Thursday, October 28, 2004


That's what happens when you pay for an hour, then spend 57 minutes of it going back thru the Tattler to look at the photos
that don't make it thru when you're at work (sorry about the thru's MTM but time & tide & all that.)

Harri, your newly emerging bob really suits you, all cool people have bobs you know.

Quick question & you must answer promptly, without thinking too much.

What does the colour red remind you of ? Reply, without fear of edit, in comments & I'll explain why.

Have done my boring indoor chores now, looking for a 1997 diary (long story), hanging my wardrobe doors
& am now free to go play outdoors, so I'm off to ride CB & give him some of the apples I collected from the
orchard in Rutland.

Enjoy your day everyone (enjoy your sleep in NZ)


Saturday, October 23, 2004

Good morning,

This is what happens when you set off too early to get somewhere, you find yourself in a Travel
lodge/Sleepcheap type place using the world's most recalcitrant keyboard to type. I set off for Malcolm & Justine's at 0530 this morning, as I was always thwarted trying to get to their place on a Friday afternoon by all the mongs who insisted on clogging up the A1.

So here I am 2 hours early, for a 10 am meet.

When I lived with M & J, Justine used to routinely lock me out of the house so that after night duty at 0630 I would be reduced to rattling her windows with missiles of ever-increasing size.
I did contemplate doing that this morning for old times sake but abandoned the idea as Malcolm has a shotgun.

I thought I would kill time by blogging for the 1st time in aeons, grab some brekkie & read a paper.

I have come to Rutland for the weekend to see Gertie's puppies. Oh and M & J of course. Gertie is the world's most wicked Bassett hound. She bit me the day I moved in & our relationship has deteriorated since then.

I am assured by J that Gertie's pups resemble pyjama cases ... aaaaah.

A few hello's & stuff...

Angie - take it easy, you scared me.

Angie is recovering from deep vein thrombosis & a pulmonary embolysm (sp ?)
very scary words which I would never have associated with someone of my age until recently.
Huge hugs to you.

Welcome Bill

Who sounds unfased to be here, I suspect he's still in shock, poor bugger.
It gets better after about 5 months Bill.


Sorry to hear your news, hope all was ok back home.
Another hug.

The Tanners,

Sorry I missed your call, I saved the ansaphone message to hear your voice though Michelle :-)
Stan has fiddled with the Tattler so that I get a copy at work every time you publish. Your entries go from strength to strength, funny, informative, interesting and sometimes sad.
Then there's Eric's entries (only joking, you know you're my hero - join the queue, Briggsy)
Alice, you look like you've lost weight, is the riding proving to be good exercise ?
Hope you're not scabby & itchy any more poppet ?
If you read this 'Slightly-Less-Evil-These-Days-Sounding-Child' I hope you enjoyed camp ?
Oh and I LOVE the name 'Feral Beryl', whoever suggested it is a genius. So much better than thelacklustre 'Dusty'. Can't wait to see you all in a little over 3 wks, get a bit choked thinking aout leaving NZ already & I haven't arrived yet :-(


Although not the black/chrome Mitsubishi Warrior 200 I specifically requested from Santa (with matching neddy trailer) the pooter is hugely appreciated & the 2nd best thing I could have asked for. Thank you thank you thank you. Now if only I could get it back ?

Everyone who has asked why no Q4A lately ?

See above, received pooter c. 6 wks ago from kind benefactor.
Large man took it away, murmuring about 'hard-drives', 'random gigabytes' and 'curling tongs' I made the last 1 up, but he could just as well have been saying that.

'Why not go to an Internet Cafe ? I hear you ask.

Well - because I won't pay to us one when I have a pooter, albeit one which lives in Woking !

Right, off to look at CoffeeWaffle now as the photos don't make it thru the firewall at work.

Take care one & all & if you want Q4A, ask Uknowwho.


ps Bloo, tell Big Steve to make sure he conceals the facial hair tonight, or he won't make a convincing 'date'.

Michelle & Bill

Yes, drunk in charge of a cycle is still an offence, I however was not drunk, I just had to look at my legs to check I WAS wearing trousers. And that's the relevant word Bill 'WAS'. Bill has apprently been dining out on this story, re-telling it as I WASN'T wearing trousers, which on balance would have been better, but sadly not factual. Still, when did facts, ever interfere with a coppers version of events ? (Prepare the gaff Smithers, he's approaching the boat)

Friday, October 08, 2004

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Robbers net £500k chocolate haul

Right Hx , HHx , Cx , where were you at the relvant times ?