Sunday, February 19, 2006

A shift in the bedrock.

I know, I know, twice weekly postings blah blah.

I haven’t been in the mood to blog.

I don’t handle change very well, if at all.

There has been too much change lately, in every sphere of my life.

My Guv’nor left to go to another job & whilst I totally understand his reasons for leaving (no-one deserves to work with the bunch of muppets he had to tolerate on a daily basis) it really knocked me for six.

That may sound over-dramatic & I know at least one person who will
be laughing as they read this (LM) However, it was one of those working relationships when you know your boss will unconditionally defend you to the hilt. The feeling was mutual. When faced with a difficult decision I just did things how I thought he would like them done.

I don’t just mean me though. He was the same with everyone & I don’t know of anyone (or anyone whose opinion matters) who had a bad word to say about him.

I was dreading his leaving do & sure enough, despite holding it together through all the speeches, at the end I blubbed like a baby, leaving copious snot trails on Stan & Milky.

A text I received from a female friend the following day summed it up …

‘Still crying ? How many times have I told you never to display weakness ? You’re an embarrassment to women everywhere. Now I’m going outside to bleed my brakes whilst fiddling incessantly with my testicles.’

And so now we have a new boss.
He seems pleasant and effective.
So there’s obviously a catch.

For the last two months I’ve been looking for a new place to live. This is because my flat-mate indicated that she would like to move nearer to work and that she would like a garden. Looking for a place alone has been a bit dispiriting. I’ve been looking alone because she has a hectic work/travel schedule which isn’t conducive to house-viewing. Two months into my search and I am told she is likely to be moving in with a friend who lives very close to her place of work.

To say I was a bit surprised would be an under-statement.

My options now are these :

Rent alone ; difficult, most studio-type places in the Kingston/Surbiton area commence at c. £700 per month.


Advertise for a new flat-mate ; the last time I shared it was with a crack-addict, an alcoholic and a boring mountain bike salesman. There were burly men calling at the address with baseball bats at 2am asking for money. It’s not an experience I’m keen to repeat.


Dump myself on a friend … again, not ideal, partly because I’m used to my own space & partly because I’d be paying a small fortune in storage.

Of the above I think my best option is to sit tight & see what kind of flat-mate fate throws my way. I really don’t want to ever face moving again until it’s either to NZ or into my own (mortgaged) property.

I have to find a new job by September this year. If I don’t find a new job I have to go work in a big call-centre type building in Lambeth in September 2007. I don’t want to go to Lambeth. I worked in Lambeth for 10 years. That’s enough time to work in Lambeth. My other two options are Bow (where ?) or Hendon. I detest North London & don’t even want to think about the amount of time the journey would take. I can’t imagine a time I’ll ever, ever type this again but of those three, Lambeth is my best option.

I can’t stay doing the job I’m doing, which I like, because as of Sept 2007 my job will no longer exist.

So that’s about it for now, there’s other stuff too but it’s too personal to blog about, suffice it to say I haven’t been feeling at my most communicative.

This entry’s just to say I’m still alive thanks for checking.

On the upside.

I have Barley for almost a month and as of tomorrow we head to the Lakes for r & r & lots of walking. With a walking pole MTM. And a compass, most likely.

The forecast is ‘bitterly cold’ but that’s all I would expect.

Thistle anyone ?


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