Monday, August 23, 2004

Satisfaction & Rapprochement

Satisfaction ; I have been riding neddies a lot lately, which got me to thinking.

The most satisfying thing ever has to be ridng all day, feeling that the neddies have worked well, feeling that I've worked well, putting them away clean & comfy for their supper then lowering my protesting nether regions into a scaldingly hot bubble bath. Then I just lay there, waiting for the water to cool sufficiently to allow me to wash my hair without fainting from scald injuries.

What's your most satisfying thing ?


The Big Guy & I met for a froffee & a 'he said, she said' session.

It was needed. The end.

His comments about my having 'more chins than a Chinese phone directory' were the kick up the ar5e I needed to stop eating like I was still chez Tanners doing manual labour. 6 days now without chocolate. He is the only friend brave/stupid/honest enough to make the comment & get away with it.

Must go, 2 neddies to ride this afternoon, lots to tell but still internet cafeing much to my dismay.

Take care you lot.

Ang, Tues night is still good for me, mine at say 7 ? To give me chanve to get back from the neddies.

See you then,


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