Friday, October 31, 2003





Jefweee herrett's mum

Good afternoon,

An early Blog today (16:07) as I spoke to Brent earlier & told him I was able
to return to light duties. He duly asked me to come in half an hour earlier (06:30)
tomorrow (Saturday). Deep joy. Glad I took advantage of my recent lie-ins.

The scab-lifter has recommended I do 'restricted duties' for 10 days & has specified
no 'bending, stretching up or across' on my cert. Hmmm. Wonder what Brent has in
store for me. Cleaning, I shouldn't wonder. Think it could be a long 10 days.

A lovely last day of freedom today, found 2 more 'Horse & Hounds' & have read about
neddies all day. Due to being shipped out here, they are only July ones but beggars
& choosers & all that. I spent my usual hour perusing the 'Horses for Sale' pages.

I give myself a budget of £10k & revel in fantasy-land choosing my neddy.

I know that I don't have a budget of £10k & more to the point, if I did, I should be
looking at adverts with the words, 'Schoolmaster', 'Honest', 'Reliable'. Why is it
then that I find my eye drawn to the flashy foties with the words 'Exciting prospect',
'eye-catching' 'scopey', 'intensive care' ?

My ideal horse would be a black gelding of 10 or so, about 16hh, who had done everything & was very cuddly. He would have a bit of Irish Draught or Clydesdale in him & I would call him Black Beauty. Ok, the very last bit's not true but you get the picture.

Cocky has been in touch to say that CB is very poorly with ongoing waterworks problems & may have to go into neddy-hospital. CB is a gorgeous, strapping boy, owned by June & I spent a lot of time riding him before I came to NZ. I am very fond of him & know June will be very worried about him. June bred him herself & I can say without fear of contradiction that everyone at the yard loves this horse. He is practically the biggest thing there (almost 17hh) but probably the most gentle. He loves cuddles & relates better to people than he does to other horses.

So - what news from the farm in the last few days ?

Harriette & Alice took part in their school's cross-country yesterday. Each of them came last in their age-group last year. Harriette bettered that by one place this year & Alice proved that consistency is her watch-word. Having seen how slowly Alice moves to Michelle's requests, her performance is not surprising. My physio has recommended hill-work to strengthen my back so I have told the gilrs they can join me on my training runs.
I plan to run up the back paddock & walk down it as many times as possible
in one go. I am aiming to do this every other evening, so we can all laugh at each
other if I can drag them out to join me.

Eric warned me the cows will be in the back paddock soon. Petunia will probably take
pot-shots at us with her sniper's rifle.

I will take a picture of the gradient in the back paddock, I anticipate calf muscles
like Fatima Whitbread.

Bin went for his weight-watchers weigh-in & has lost a very creditable 0.8kg.

He said the worst bit was getting on the scales in front of the other dogs.

Only another 10 or so of those to go Bin !

He looks, if possible, more downcast than usual.

I have tried, many times, without success, to take a nice picture of Bin over the
last few days. With Stinca it's easy as he is so photogenic. Bin, however, always
comes across as looking 'shifty' & not without good reason.

If his tackle is not on view then he just manages to look guilty.

He shows a lot of white around his eyes & has a very pronounced shiny, lower lip.
Neither feature helps him to look trustworthy. Eric says he is a 'Maori Dog'.
I am sure I don't know what he means.

I have decided too, that he is Roy Hattersley. Not in a kind of 'reincarnation, bean-baggy '
way, you understand. It's just that when I see him sitting down, back legs splayed, paunch grazing the floor & an ingratiating, avuncular smile on his face, I just think
'Roy Hattersley'.

I suspected I needed specs a little while ago (when can we have bigger font Q ?
pleeeeeeeeeeeease ) but reading the International Express today confirmed my
suspicions. I read the headline ...

"Pope John Paul II beautifies Mother Theresa"

with some astonishment & not a little scepticism before re-reading it & noticing I had added a surplus 'u'. It's an interesting concept though & would give 'Changing Rooms' a run for it's money.

Disappearing now to use some of the egg glut to prepare a meringue for dessert.

Which reminds me of my favourite Scots joke ...

To be read out loud in broad Scots brogue ...

'A man walks into an Edinburgh cake shop & says to the assistant behind the counter
"Is that a macaroon or a meringue ?"
"No sir, you're not wrong, it is a macaroon
" replies the assistant'

If you can't do the accent, you won't get the joke.

Some of you will be able to do the accent & still won't get the joke.

Like the sweetheart who e-mailed me to say that they had read the 'Clap clap
the handicapped' joke twice &, like Alice, still 'Didn't gerrit'
And, no, nothing will induce me to reveal their name :)

On which note, several of Ange's friends have replied to say whether or not
they can make her leaving do. Der. Even after seeing the picture.
Double der.

Thank you Q for the article on notters. I spent an hour reading the Beeb's website
about my favourite aminals, including an article which made me say 'aaaaah' more
times than I will confess in print. The staff at the Blue reef sanctuary in Portsmouth
had made the notters fishy ice-lollies to cool them down in the heatwave.

Medals for those staff.

Ang, Thank you for my lovely p/cards lately. Love the expression on wet,
p***ed-off moggy. As for Californian Sea Notters doing hi-fives ? You lucky girl.
ps. I can make your do.

Weeny & Cocky, I am soooo jealous you are going to Quiche's 'do'
The Met won't be the same. Say hi to all the old faces for me, except JP
if he is there. Weeny, I trust you will locate his orange-juice.
Wonder if TCH will turn up & declare loudly that ...

'He is the highest-ranking officer at the do-you know'

Please make sure you take a camera, I want to see if all the gorgeous ones
have lost their hair & grown beer-bellies. Would be interesting to see how
the blokes have changed too.

Di, I was very impressed with your handiwork, have mailed it to Q & expect it
on Blog shortly. How long did that take you, Auntie Doris ?

Ooh, nearly forgot, going socialising tomorrow night to a 'Wild Western Night'
It's not, disappointingly for me, a barn dance, but a night in the local rugby club
with a live band called intriguingly 'White Goat', or 'Dead Goat' as Eric keeps
calling them. Another crowd-pleaser is advertised in the form of 'Flick's Fantastic Crabs'. The mind boggles.

Michelle & Clare have taken it upon themselves to set me up to meet someone
called 'Andrew'. I can picture the scene now ...

'Andrew, this is Carol, she needs to get married to stay in NZ - Andrew, Andre-ew ?'

Off now, will report in with how I get on Sunday.

We have a 10-seater van picking us all up & I for one intend taking advantage of
a glass or 2 of Ribena :)



Hello Mum xx

Competition Time

Suggestion who can get the best pumpkin carving photo to Cx

The first one is from AG

Good opener

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Two samey kind of days.

Physio, reading, chores.

Yesterday, sunny.

Today, rain stopped play.

Vacuumed the dogs.

Long chat with Mal last night & Stuart this morning.

Found a July Horse & Hound in local stationers ($7.50 !!!!) & had a deeply
enjoyable 2 hours reading it. Miss all English equestrian events hugely ie.
Olympia, Hickstead etc.

Back is much improved. Anticipate Dr will say I can return to work Sat/Sun.

That's it really, inspiration lacking tonight,


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Howdy y'all,

The kids are sometimes funnier when they say things without realising they can be
heard. The following is a conversation which occurred between Harriette & Alice, when Harri was telling Alice a joke. I make no apology for the content, if you are PC, or easily offended just don't read.

To set the scene, I will tell you how Harriette told me the joke 1st.

H : This bunch of handicapped goes to the zoo.
They see a fish, the keeper asks them what it is.
"A fish" they reply.
"Clap clap the handicapped" says the keeper.

Same question when they see a tiger.
"What is it?" asks the keeper.
"A tiger" they reply.
"Clap clap the handicapped" says the keeper.

The next animal they see is one of those, "oh what do you call them ?
The white things with the black stripes ?" Harriette asks me.

"A zebra" I reply, feeling smug & superior.

"Clap clap the handicapped" says Harriette.

Oh aha ha ha.

So then, she goes off to tell Alice.

H : "A bunch of handicapped goes off to the zoo"

A : "What's handicapped ?"

Harriette explains & Alice replies "That's sad."

Harriette carries on anyway & at the point when she asks Alice what the white
thing is with stripes, Alice replies that she doesn't know.

H : "You do, you do, like a horse but with black & white stripes"

Alice still doesn't know so Harriette has to resort to telling her to "say zebra".

Alice dutifully says "zebra"

At which Harriette shouts the punchline "Clap, clap the handicapped"

Alice : "I don't get it."

Sad aminal story alert

Last night I was quietly blogging & minding my own business when Eric,
dressed like this ...

appears in the lounge & says 'Do you want to see a possum ?'

The fact that he was carring his .22 & had a bullet between his teeth told
me we weren't just going to look at one. I went with him thinking it would
be sad to see a possum get shot but it would get shot whether I was there
or not & I did want to see one close up.

They are completely reviled here for the damage they do & you are told
to deliberately run them over if you see them in the road. I couldn't, when
presented with the opportunity, by the way.

I don't know if Q can find a pic of one but if he can't I will try & describe
one to you. They are about the size of a domestic cat but with a body like
a monkey & a face like a bush-baby. They have a long, prehensile tail & are
always a mixture of colours including gold/yellow/cream/fawn/chocolate.

Very attractive looking aminals (I think)

We went outside with Eric scanning a tree with a head-mounted light & me
supposedly 'helping' by holding the bajillion candle-power torch. I knew after
the way Eric killed Benjamin Bunny that he is a good shot & takes pride in
slotting things cleanly & was determined not to be a distraction by clinging
to his ankles & pleading with him to show mercy.

We soon saw a pair of amber eyes looking at us from about 100' up.
Then we saw another, much smaller pair which belonged to the ickley on
Mum's back & all my brave resolutions went out of the window.

"Oh, she's got a baby Eric, pleeeeease don't shoot her"

When Eric asked why I explained that I was concerned that when Mum fell,
she might be separated from the baby & then baby would slowly starve to death.

Eric's answer didn't exactly cheer me up.

"Don't worry, if I shoot Mum, I'll be shooting baby too."

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"

That possum must have had a guardian angel because 4 shots later & she was
still blinking down at us. I was willing her to keep her eyes closed as that was
the only thing visible in the darkness. In fairness to Eric, it was a very difficult
shot because she was pressed closed to the trunk & shielded by lots of very
spindly branches.

He could only shoot from the base of the tree as well, as he was worried that if
he stood on the bank to take a shot, it may carry over to their neighbours Gwen & Alan.
I am hoping to go watch Alan do dog trials so would prefer it if Eric didn't take
him out with a stray shot.

You can see the interview in the Waikato Times now can't you ?

Neighbours say ...

"He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself, we were very
surprised when he shot his neighbour, for no apparent reason."

I sent a text later which summed it up.

Eric tried to dead an possum. Boo.
They are vermin though. Hurrah.
It had a baby. Boo.
He missed. Hurrah.
I will never make a proper Kiwi. Boo

Sometimes I think I am getting tougher. Others, not.

Michelle cheered me up today when she said she didn't like the thought of a mum with
a baby being shot either.

It's now 19:45 & darkness is falling.

Eric & Michelle are in the veg plot, planting beans.

Alice & Harriette are playing table-tennis & getting far too excited to go to sleep.

I heard the strangest thing on the radio today when the announcer said ...

"Well, now that we've had Labour Weekend (like a Bank Holiday) that's officially
the start of the summer. Next it's Guy Fawkes night"

I still can't get used to the whole topsy-turvy feeling of traditional cold-weather
activities in the sunshine.

Speaking of traditions, Angie asked me today what I would like for my Christmas/Bday
pressie. You are slacking Ange, you have usually bought all your pressies by July.

I would be grateful if we could stick to cards this year & that goes for everyone
'cept Mum who I will be sending a parcel to. The average cost of sending a relatively
small package is $90 or £30 & I just won't be able to stretch to that many packages
I am afraid. Not to mention the fact that I don't want people having the xtra expense
at that time of year. If you are desperate to buy me a birthday or Xmas pressie
(& that's understandable) save yourself the postage & give it to me at my lavish
'Welcome Home' party.

How are the plans going Di ? Have the invites gone out yet ?
Have the Beckhams confirmed ? Is Justin bringing Cameron ?
I would prefer it if he didn't - she can be a bit jealous, I find.

Disappearing for now to see if I can find 'Dead Ringers' on the internet.

Nice to see Bill using the comments feedback. There are more of you
reading Blog, I know, don't be put off by Q using it, there's still space
for your comments. Some feedback on the new-look Blog & the foties
would be appreciated.

Good-night all, can you believe October is nearly gone already ?


Monday, October 27, 2003

Newsflash just in from Maam Gough

This is just to let you know I applied for a job last week and have been offered the position.
As you know, I've had a tough time recently and have decided to change my life completely.

I decided to go a totally different way.
The Red Cross needs volunteers and my new role will entail working at a field hospital with other volunteers.

The new post starts on November 10th, 2003 and I am really looking forward to it.
My soon to be co-workers have sent me a picture so that I familiarise myself with my new settings.
Please see the attached photo & don't be worried, as I will be in good hands.

We have a farewell to organise .. let me know if you're free the Saturday after next for a night in London.

Lots of love

Ange x x
Evenin' all,

Pics just e-mailed to the Blog-Meister so hopefully this space will soon be full of cops, Cedar Lodge & baby blah-lambs.

You can see why it's scary when there are gales here

Brown ewe & the latest Cedar Lodge babies

Cagney & Lacey

Just good friends

" Gottle of Gear , Gottle of Gear - Carol's new ventriloquism hobby was hard work "

Look I even wear skirts now

Saddle aka Fu-Manchu

Just been out possum shooting (22:45) but that's a story for tomorrow, bedtime now,

Still waiting to hear all your favourite books please, thanks to those who
have replied already. They won't be published anywhere, so if you want
to tell me your favourite is Nut Brown Hare, your secret is safe with me.

Good night all,


Good night

Wasn't it the most incredible game ?

I am still absolutely buzzing from it.

Took me ages to get to sleep last night.

Didn't you feel every tackle & run every step with them ?

I think Samoa deserve an award for most entertaining side of the tournament.

The last time I enjoyed a game so much was the '91 final against Oz.

We lost that one, despite the talents of Andrew (sigh) Ackford (did I ever mention ...?)
Underwood (play on the wing for your country & fly jets, how damn sexy is that ?) &
of course, the irrepressible Skinner (did I ever mention ...?)

The game last night was entertaining, frustrating, exciting & everything that a good match should be. My phone was red-hot with dozens of texts in the 1st 10 minutes. I love it when we all sit down to watch a game together, the distance & the time difference just melt away & we could be sitting on the same sofa. I was really pleased that Samoa put up such an outstanding performance & after the 1st half they thoroughly deserved to have the lead they did.

I found myself thinking that if Samoa went on to win the game, England could have absolutely no complaints to lose to such a dynamic side.

I have felt a bit dispirited with the way England have played in the last 6 months. I know that sounds picky because we played well here on tour, beat the AB's & Aussies & have been favourites in the run up to the World Cup. However, having seen the way these Southern Hemisphere sides have played, it makes England look stodgy.

Yes, we win games, because we have crushing forwards & incredibly good discipline, conceding few penalties. I have been longing for England to play more open, passing, running rugby. Last night we actually played that way, in the 2nd half at least.

I was also glad when JW missed a couple & Johnson was penalised repeatedly for infringements. It would be sickening to win a World Cup & be told it was all off Wilkinsons boot. The most exciting aspect of the game, for me, was the speed of the Samoan tackling. Each time an England player received the ball, they had a fraction of a second to dispose of it, before they were skillfully tackled.

A thoroughly great match, worthy of a final.

The Ireland-v-Argentina game was incredibly frustrating to watch. I thought Ireland played the 1st half with all the intensity of a training session. They looked like they couldn't care less. It wasn't until their 22 O'Gara came on, yelling & screaming in his team-mates faces, that they seemed to realise they were in a World Cup. I thought their scrum-half was abysmal. I didn't see him make one decent move for the whole game. I hope for the team's sake he is ditched before they meet Australia.

Did you see the Argentine captain interviewed post-match ? I have never seen anyone so upset after a game. He looked like Bambi too.

The family returned this morning after what sounds like a busy weekend. Michelle is sun-burned on her thighs, which isn't funny, except that she nags me to wear sun-cream if I so much as wind down the car-window. Turns out she wasn't wearing ANY, as I was gleefully informed by the girls, the minute they exploded through the door. They all look tired but relaxed & have managed to bring back some banoffee pie. Hurrah !

Eric & Kevin went sea-fishing both days & left the population of marine-life exactly as they found it. Actually, that's not factual, Eric 'caught' an oyster. Eric thinks there are probably no fish in the sea off New Zealand.

Today is the 1st overcast day in 14 days & it's a bit of a shock. I have put on long trousers.

'I aint appy & I ain't avin it'

Harriette is waiting to get on the computer so I will leave you for now.

Just an observation before I go ...

England = Lions
Aus = Wallabies
S.Africa = Springboks
Arg = Pumas

so far, so good, all 'manly' & inspiring.

Japan = the Cherry Blossoms ?

I would refuse to play if I were Japanese.


Sunday, October 26, 2003

Hello you lot,

Blogging tonight listening to Tracey Chapman & eating a chocolate mousse.
Stu-did you kow that Bin & Stinca also look like Gianluca Vialli when they lick out
mousse & yoghurt pots ? And we thought it was just Barley.
A perfect end to a pretty sublime today & there's still England thrashing Samoa
to come. If I ever find myself having a bad day in future I will just recall today.

I have just returned from the paddocks & have been checking the aminals & feeding the pigs.

The Tanners are all away for the weekend & don't return until tomorrow am.

Eric's going away care & feeding instructions were,

'The dogs get this much, the chickens get this much, the cows & the sheep aren't
being fed anymore & if there's anything really serious, the vet's number is on the fridge. We don't call the vet for the sheep, the killing knife lives over there'

He was only half-joking.

Everything has gone smoothly, no fires, out of control or otherwise & only Inca has
given me any cause for concern. Twice today he has disappeared to be found
snuffling around in Clare & Ian's paddock looking for tasty treats like afterbirth or
lambs tails. The neighbours have threatened to shoot him which sounds severe
but is standard practice for dogs found worrying sheep. At least they have warned us that is what they will do. Most farmers would just shoot 1st with no warning.

I feel mean binning him up, especially as I let Bin stay out. Seemed unfair to banish
them both when Bin has been very good & not left his doggy hammock except to stretch his legs & get frequent drinks of water. Think I would rather be mean though, than explain to Eric that his dog had been shot whilst I was taking care of him.

Today has been very hot, 25 degrees on the deck, & the bikini has had an outing.
I am very oddly coloured, brown forearms & 'v' & face. Trying to even up the tan now.

When I fed the pigs this evening there was a bit of a breakthrough & the small black one (whose name escapes me) allowed me to scratch her all over. I sat on the floor in the paddock with them whilst they ate & I have done this every time I have fed them. Usually, when I reach out to touch them, they jump as if scalded & run away, no matter how delicately I touch them.

This evening however, I lightly scratched behind her ears whilst she had her nose stuck in the bottom of the scraps tub. Initially, she stiffened & I thought she was going to run away again, then she relaxed, realised it actually felt quite good & allowed me to rub her all over. The other pigs were all watching & looking wary as if to say 'no thanks'.

The pigs eat their food very systematically. They eat their pig nuts 1st, completely disregarding the much more appetising (to me anyway) table scraps. These can include anything, fruit & veg, bits of bread, trimmings & in today's case 2 eggs. Only when the last of the nuts has been hoovered up do they deign to examine the scraps.

The eggs were a 1st & only because I found them in the chichens run today. They had been out in the sun all day yesterday. I didn't fancy eating them but thought the pigs might appreciate them. Their reaction was very amusing. They regarded the eggs with deep suspicion & even when I made yummy little appetising noises they weren't convinced. They took large, elaborate strides around the eggs as if they were dangerous explosives which may go off unbidden at any moment.

Then one of the pigs stepped on an egg & cracked it. As soon as they got a whiff of its contents they hurled themselves upon it, sucking & slurping eagerly like alcoholics downing their 1st drink of the day. I thought the other egg would be despatched rapidly, now they were familiar with the contents. But no, there followed the same ritual of sniffing & looking at the 'dangerous' egg warily.

Finally, I held the egg out to the same one who had cracked the 1st one. Without any hesitation, she took it, cracked it & then fought the other 3 for the glutinous, yellow insides. Very amusing.

As I was feeding the pigs I was being watched by the cows & calves. The cows still hope to be fed by every human they see & so follow, just in case. I am very taken with most of the cows & needless to say, my calf Carol, is very beautiful. She has a gorgeous, pert face, very like the Jerseys so prolific here. The exceptions to the rule are 'Mad Petunia' & Evil Fu-Manchu calf or 'Saddle'. Petunia lost her calf who suffocated at birth & hasn't been 'right' since. She is prone to lungeing about in the most peculiar way & for no apparent reason, head lowered & rear hooves flailing wildly. The other cows give her a wide berth & I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

The other calf isn't evil, like Petunia, he just looks it. He is a dead ringer for the baddie in Fu-Manchu movies with eyes which are sloping & heavily ringed with black kohl pencil. We will awake one day to find Petunia running the joint & Fu-Manchu as her henchman, I just know it. No pics of either for the time being as the laptop has gone away with the family & I can't download my pics to the desktop.

After the cows, I went & looked at the sheep. There are 38 at the moment, including 4 new-borns & 2 rams, Tua & Cyril. Tua is a big, handsome beast with a Roman nose. There are lots of leggy lambs with black faces this season. Cyril is past his prime & once Tua had kicked his butt to show him what was what, they settled down to a very peaceful existence together. Tua occasionally shoves him around a bit, Cyril offers no resistance & harmony is restored.

I think there are birds nesting in Eric's Range-Rover. I saw something swoop under the bonnet, from the corner of my eye today. It lies dormant in the front paddock, to Michelle's dismay, she says it gives the place a 'Steptoe & Son' air.
Eric says he will use it again when he has the parts it needs. In the meantime, I
am glad someone is using it for a home.

Bill & chums visited yesterday. He was accompanied by his skipper Dave & another PC, Mark. They were only able to stay an hour or so but it was enough time for 2 cups of tea & a very quick guided tour or Cedar Lodge. Bill is very settled as a traffic cop now, or 'snake', so much so, that when I asked if he wanted a tour he asked 'On foot ?'

They were shown all the relevant sites, including the pool, where the chichens live, & the remnants of 'The Fire'. They oohed & aahed in all the right places. They said what most people say, which is 'Wow - I fancy this lifestyle'. They were then cajoled into foties for Blog & on their way again.

It amused me to watch Bill & exactly the same dynamics at work as with his colleagues in the UK. Bill grabs the converstion & runs with it, not in a rude way, he just doesn't have time for your input. He was even finishing off my questions & then answering them himself & saying that I spoke too slowly now I live in the country. His 2 colleagues would try to interrupt his rapid flow of observations, accents, anecdotes & impressions. They would fail & sit back & listen, like me. Talk about a one-man band. Very funny, a great talker, not convinced he's a bloke really. Oh yes & he's grown since the last time I saw him ?

Bill, I am making bread at the moment. In the machine. That makes bread. Which gets used. And doesn't live in a cupboard.

Bill says he would like to take his house & put it at the top of the Tanner's driveway. Can't see it would be a problem, Eric works for the council after all, I'm sure the planning permission would be a doddle. Commute would be a b***er though.

Last night I set out to watch 3 rugby games back-to-back. Australia-v-Namibia, then Italy-v-Wales & finally Scotland-v-France. Did you see the Oz game ? Poor Namibia, how embarrassing. 142-0, if you didn't see it, more like a cull than a game. I thought their skipper was extremely dignified & tactful at the end-of-match interview, especially when the Aussie interviewer asked him ...

'Surely, it must be a great honour for your team to play the Wallabies ?'

Then Wales & Italy. I really wanted Wales to win. I don't think Italy merit a place even in 6 Nations. I was pleasantly surprised when Wales won so easily though, especially given their prop was Miss Piggy. Have you ever seen such girly hair on a rugby player, let alone a forward. I'd love to cut it all off whilst he's asleep.

Get your hair cut Duncan Jones ! Bring back national service, I say.

I was too bushed to watch the Scotland-France game & still don't know the score. Would I be making a very unfair assumption if I guessed that France won ?

Tonight is Argentina-v-Ireland at 8pm. No prizes for guessing who I'll be cheering for. Has Garth made it to OZ for the World Cup, Cocky ? Then England will be handing out the slaps to Samoa at 10.30pm. It would be nice to see a close, hard-fought game for a change. Not the England one though, obviously.

So we face the Welsh dragon on the 9th Nov in the 1/4 final. Can't see it being a tough game unless they arm the Welsh.

I heard something today which set my teeth on edge. Some band called 'No Doubt' who I seem to recall are headed by Gwen Stefani have covered Talk-Talks classic 'It's my life'. I have no gripe with Ms Stefani hersef & have liked some of her hip-hop stuff.

It's my Life

Funny how I find myself in love with you
If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose
One half won't do
I've asked myself
How much do you commit yourself?

It's my life (Don't you forget)

Funny how I blind myself
I never knew if I was sometimes played upon
Afraid to lose, I'd tell myself what good you do
Convince myself

It's my life

How much do you commit yourself?

It's my life
Don't you forget
Caught in the crowd
It's my life

HOWEVER-I was 16, in 1984 when 'It's my life' was released & it seemed to sum up perfectly how I felt at the time. Anxious, lonely, unsure of myself, hormonal & very mixed up. A teenager, in short. It has always been a hugely evocative record for me & I have even tried to limit how many times I hear it, so that it never loses that appeal. I am very p***ed off that anyone should cover this record at all, but when the vocals are weak, reedy & breathy it just compounds the insult. Talk Talk had a clean, pure, understated sound which was very powerful because of it. No Doubt have taken the score & put jingly-jangly, LA pop, crappy guitars all over it. It is the most sucky cover in the whole sucky history of sucky covers. Ever.

And breathe.

Sorry, starting to sound like Q on a music-journo rave then.

Well, I have a few minutes before the Ire-Arg game so am going to grab some dinner & listen to a few Archers episodes.

Thank you for listening to my 'perfect day'.
It only needed a horse-ride to make it any better.
Oh yes - & the quarry lorries weren't running, the only noises I heard all day
were made by aminals.

Love to all,


Saturday, October 25, 2003

Friday, October 24, 2003

Blog Friday 24th October.

More babies at Cedar Lodge today.

Michelle went out this morning to see why ‘brown ewe’ was making such a din.
She suspected she may have caught a foot in a fence.

She arrived just in time to see the 1st twin arrive. Within half an hour twin no2 had arrived. Mum & blah-lambs are hale & hearty. I took the obligatory pic but she was very twitchy with my being so near so the picture is a bit indistinct I am afraid. I will try to see what I can do about enlarging it & post it to Blog later.

I am so tired, I am typing like Bill tonight. He visits tomorrow, must remember to mail him directions after this. If you’re reading this, bring your trunks, if you fancy a dip in the pool. I dangled my legs in today (up to the knee) when it got too hot. Luvverly. Spicy apple muffins do you ?

Have just spoken to a downbeat Q, he is looking at an enforced move to the Ivory Tower aka Information Room. Yeuch.

Poor Col, who will you talk to now ?

Hadders, KW & Hitman & Hearse, who will get Blog to you ?

Perhaps you could get a petition going ?

I was in Matamata again today to get my haircut & to go to the physio. Things are really getting busy, by Matamata standards anyway, the beds were being watered & there are now lots of billboards advertising the Hobbiton tour. The hairdresser told me not to bother with it but the physio said it was worth a look. I’m sure I’ll end up going. An artist was busy at the jewellers in Arawa Street. She was painting a scene from The Two Towers on the window. I suppose Hobbiton burgers & Hobbiton soft drinks will follow as surely as night follows day.

Another welcome to another reader stateside. This time from Cleveland, Ohio. Ella has been reading since August & e-mailed me this morning to say hello. She stumbled across Q4A whilst updating her own Blog. If any of you struggle with my Blog & the oblique references to people by their nicknames, just think how difficult it must be when you have never met any of the motley bunch of characters.
Ella has even used the feedback system within the 1st few days of it being instigated so you lot have no excuse now. Welcome Ella, lovely to hear from you.

I was looking at the new lambs through the noculars this evening.
‘Oh look’ says I, ‘bunny rabbits’
Big mistake.
Before you could shout ‘slot it’ Eric was off at the trot to fetch his .22 rifle.
Seconds later & bunny was despatched. Within half an hour he was gutted, skinned & in a plastic bag en route to the freezer. No Beatrix Potter books in the Tanner household strangely.

Sorry if this is a bit stilted tonight, I am struggling to think straight & my thoughts are wandering.

I sent lots of nice things in the post today. I get as much pleasure from sending things in the post as I do receiving them. I would love to see Mal’s face when he sees the photo of himself.

Michelle is reading to Alice as I type this. Harriette has gone to stay at the Creswells overnight & Alice is feeling a bit lonely. Eric is reading something on the sofa, “Killing & maiming monthly” no doubt.

I feel very bloated after dinner tonight. I did char-grilled chicken fillets in toasted panninis with an avocado & pineapple salsa. Yum. yes you are right Di, I never made that for you … etc.

I will leave you lovely people for now.

I have the feeling that I have forgotten to tell you something.
Must be my age.

Enjoy your long weekend D-team, you deserve it.



Thursday, October 23, 2003

Good Evening,

Another gloriously sunny day, the 11th now.

The doctor signed me off for another 8 days which takes me up to the 31st.

I had another lazy, letter-writing day today. Wrote a very long letter to Mal
& will be enclosing some flower pics as he was very enthusiastic about the ones I took at Marfell Downs. I will also be enclosing this picture of him.

I think its lovely.

Pic ref to follow thanks Q.

Had a lovely, long chat with my Mum this morning. She has some health concerns,
but seems to be handling them far better than I am. I sent her a goodies package
a few days ago & especially wanted to know what she thought of the Norah Jones CD I sent her. I have been listening to her a lot over here & love her stuff.

Turns out Mum already has it, so we have a spare copy.

Don't Mums know they are not supposed to be into music before their kids are ?

I had a long chat with Q the other evening & something he said got me thinking.

He mentioned that someone at work had said they knew me better now after reading Blog than when we used to work together. It's odd isn't it, a few people have said the same. I suppose that wittering away on this, I often feel it's just me & the pooter so I am more candid than I would be face-to-face. Cheers, hearse-man, glad you are enjoying it. Also, hello to Tony, thanks for the e-mail. You change girlfriends more often than I move house & that's a lot. Why Darwin ? Have I missed something ?
Apart from 6 months of earlies, lates & nights ? Ha.

I joined the library today, so feel like a bona-fide citizen with roots now. I am also starting to think like a Kiwi. I took out 6 talking boooks & was charged $12 & found myself thinking it was expensive. That translates to £4.

I decided it was time, after 6 months to have the barnet trimmed. I selected a salon not based on price or the skill of the stylists but on how upright their chairs were. I am only comfortable sitting upright so it might be the world's quickest haircut. Nothing drastic, just a trim, I am still planning on having Bon Jovi hair.

"Come on you guysh - letsh rock ! Hello & Good evening Shurbiton !"

Aside from turning into a tightwad, I am adopting other Kiwisms, despite trying not to.

I have caught myself saying 'That's way too much' instead of 'far too much' & every morning Eric grimaces when I reply 'Good thanks' to his enquiry of 'Good Morning, how are you ?' All Kiwis say they are good, not well, when asked the same question.

At least I am still rooting for England in the rugby. The day I support anyone else is the day to tear up my passport I suppose.

Looks like Plod will be in this neck of the woods. Bill & some of his gang are visiting whilst 'working' in the area on Saturday. It works out quite well, as the Tanners are away in Thames with the Stokes & their parents. I suspect Eric & Michelle have arranged the Old Bill to check on me to make sure I am not playing with matches.

I won't be entirely alone though, as Bin & Inca will be keeping me company.

Must go for now as I have a couple of e-mails to send.

Please keep letting me know if this is too small for you to read.

There are now 5 of us so you are not alone.

Q says it's a whole day's work to re-programme the font size on Blog.

Michelle suggested he just 'selected all & changed the font size'. Bless.


ps 2 firsts today. 1. Wore a skirt
2. Bought some make-up.

I almost forgot.

2 things which made my blood boil & reminded me how furious things in England can make me.

Winston Silcott released. Bad enough. Interviewed on Newsnight. Words fail me.

Reports that Waterloo Station may be renamed Europe Station & Trafalgar Square to Concord Square in case French visitors to London are offended. Hello ?????

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Hello England,

I have come out of the midday sun because I am a growed-up & I know it’s bad for you & also to send a few e-mails & catch up on Blog.

Nothing to do with the fact that my knees are tingling.

I am sitting on the front deck in the shade & using the laptop. Inca is keeping me company & the only thing obstructing my view is the blue tarpaulin, which Eric has stretched over the gap at the pool end of the deck.

He did this on Sunday evening to keep the breeze off the bbq we had on Sunday evening. Jacket potatoes & steak always taste good don’t they ?

As I type I can hear incessant, fluting birdsong, lambs calling to Mum & the absent clucking of the chichens rooting in the flower-beds. The chichens escape every day from their run despite Eric blocking up holes regularly. It is lovely to see them scratching about for treats but the Tanners don’t want them free-range. This is partly for the mess they make in the beds & partly because the eggs are harder to locate.

At the moment though, the chichens are having it their own way. The two fussy, little bantams, one black, one white, are scratching at my feet now. I really like these little birds. Their feathered legs remind me of the petticoats worn by the ladies in the Deep South & I imagine they speak to each other in lilting Bible-Belt drawl.

The only noise spoiling the pastoral peace is the frequent quarry-trucks which pass the end of the driveway. Cedar Lodge is situated in an acoustic bowl, which means the trucks’ noise is amplified. It is also half-way up a hill which ensures that the engines coming up are usually at full chat.

The noise isn’t too intrusive normally but at the moment there is a run on & the trucks are passing the house every minute or so. They come from a quarry half way along Taotaoroa Road & although my understanding of the logistics is a bit vague, I think they are especially busy because they are delivering a ship-load of coal somewhere.

I need to ask Harriette really, her grasp of it is much more acute than mine.

Last night, during dinner, Eric was discussing with Michelle when he had last cooked polenta.

‘Placenta ?’ asked Harriette.

Maybe you had to be there but it made me laugh.

Day 9 of good weather here & by all accounts, the temperature is some 5 degrees hotter than it should be at this time of year. It will be a bit of a shock if/when this good spell breaks.

Sounds like Eric is just returning home from another day of persecuting harmless dog owners.

I will take that as my cue to end & send some e-mails.

Only one person has told me their favourite book so far.

Come on you lot, don’t be bashful.


ps. How did thick pig get out of his room ?

Monday, October 20, 2003

This morning I have an e-mail showing humiliated & resigned looking pets in an assortment of Halloween costumes.

That's right, Ang is back from the States.

Welcome back honey, you were missed.


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Good Evening,

Don't worry, no more words, just pics from today.

Facial piercing is big in NZ

Aragorn (sorry Viggo)

Fancy a dip anyone ?

"The chichens" copyright Matthew Lawrence

Brown Leghorn " I say, I say, I say there boy ..."

"Can Clarrie come out to play ?"

Entries for 'Rear of the Year' have been flooding in


Harriette & Inca

How clean & inviting does this water look ?

I like flowers ...

I like these pics of Inca, we were playing ball & I like the way he is looking very intently at the ball in this one ...

At the end of the evening I took some shots of the girls & the dogs.

How difficult could it be ?

'Harriette, try & point Bin towards the camera.'
'Bin, put your lipstick away, these are family snaps.'
'Inca stop snuffling Alice for treats & try & look affectionate.'

I am pleased with the final results & have sent some to Michelle's folks

Lots of work here for you Q, hope you don't mind ?

Goodnight UK,


Hello chaps(esses)

Another warm, sunny day. 6th in a row. A breakfast of salmon & scrambled eggs.
The Tanners know how to do things properly.

We were up late last night, watching the Eng-v-S.Afr game, & didn’t retire until after 3am.

It was a pool match & a win is a win, but it didn’t make for pretty viewing did it ?
It’s no mean feat not to concede a try to S.Africa, & the forwards were magnificent, as ever. I would just rather we got more points from running rugby & not the ever-reliable boot of JW.

After watching the flowing, wing-dominated game that is prevalant down here, our side looked a bit stodgy. Winning’s great, but winning with panache would be even better.

Needless to say, being English, I can criticise, but if you are reading this & you are not then disregard my comments.

It’s a bit like criticising your parents, acceptable if you do it, bad manners if your partner says anything.

There was a happy event at Cedar Lodge yesterday. I was on the phone to Stuart (lovely to hear all the LH updates) watching Eric & Michelle moving their sheep from one paddock to another. My attention was taken by a ewe arguing with Eric & stamping her foot at being asked to move on. As she moved, the reason for her defiance became clear. Two new-born lambs were following at her heels.

That doesn’t sound unusual, I know, until I tell you the last lamb was born over a month ago & so these icklies are very late. The ewe responsible, Lilla, has a happy reprieve as she is ‘about 12’ & Eric had been muttering about ‘mutton for the pot’ as she had not lambed.

Yesterday the kids had their friends the Scotts over, & they spent a raucous afternoon playing in the pool. It was very amusing & reassuring, in this computer-obsessed age, to hear them playing the same games I played as a kid. Whenever they were asked to declare what something was made from they said ‘purple velvet’ or ‘sapphires’ & in their role-playing they were dolphins or mermaids or sea-horses.

Michelle spent the day toiling in the sun, finishing off the bed I cleared when I first arrived with some very arduous digging. Eric continued to work on the pool, sawing wood & filling in the gaps around the bottom of the fencing. The pool looks like being a year-round favourite & as the Scott kids left they were telling Mum that ‘their pool needed cleaning out’.

I was definitely the least productive member of the household (Bin included) & made the traditional Saturday night pizza to assuage my guilt. Bill kept me company on the home-stretch of pizza baking, chatting away 15 to the dozen, as usual …

‘No really, how are YOU ?’
‘HOW are you ?’
‘How ARE you ?’ J …

He still looks on for a visit to the Shire some time next week. He will love it here.

I fed the pigs yesterday & took some pics. They are very endearing, cantering across to the fence to get the scraps & snuffling around enthusiastically to eat the best bits. I got a bit carried away & took some 30 snaps. Some of the best are reproduced here for your enjoyment.

Pig pics please Q, no particular order. ta.

A tx conversation this morning got me thinking. What’s the best book you ever read ?
It’s a hard one & I thought long before deciding on ‘A walk in the woods’ by Bill Bryson.
In this, he & a grossly overweight, morose friend set out to walk the Appalachian Way in the US . It has all the bits I find essential in a good book ; humour, nature, good descriptive writing & laugh out loud passages.

The other prerequisite for a good book is being able to read it again & again. I have a good memory for dialogue & so remember books well, despite this, I must have read most of Bryson’s books 3 or 4 times.

If you can use the ‘comments’ system cos you are ‘live’ please do so. If you receive this by e-mail, please reply by e-mail & let me know. I would be very interested to hear your choices.
This invitation extends to everyone who reads Q4A, don’t be shy.

Today’s e-mails were a particularly welcome bunch. Amongst them was a long, entertaining & very newsy letter from the Davidsons. They are the neighbours at Leith Hill who frequently take care of Barley. They write with the fantastic news that they are holidaying here shortly & seriously considering emigrating here. It was lovely to hear about the kids. Grace taking her driving test already – how can that be ? Very best of luck Grace.

Michelle’s folks have also written to say they got the fotos from the Blog on Friday but no text. It’s usually the other way around. I will forward you the text after writing this. I understand you two are slaves to the little white ball ? It’s a huge source of irritation that I have only played 1 game since arriving here (badly) As soon as the back is sorted, I plan to go explore the course at Matamata which I hear you used extensively during your trip here ?

Right, enough for now, outdoors beckons & I have to download the pig foties,

Love to all,

Especially Mum.

Give Connor a pat from me & take Seamus away & give him a cheap, nasty toy. He’s a puppy & won’t know J

‘Mummeh – can we have a puppeh ?’


Saturday, October 18, 2003

Friday, October 17, 2003


Seek & ye shall find.

It was hiding & I had overlooked it all the time.

It was right at the very end of the whole week's entries.

I will try & cut & paste my Word doc onto here.

If you could oblige with the foties please ?


Good Evening from a sun dappled shire

Day 3 of Summer & all is well.

20 degrees & day long, glorious sunshine.

The more observant of you will have noted that the Q-Meister has been busy & that Q4A is now an altogether more stylish affair. The foty that you now see at the top of Blog is one of my favourites of Queen Charlotte Sound. I mucked around with the software that Olympus dish-out with my camera to get the 4 different shades & sent them to Q. I asked him to simply insert them at the top of Blog. Needless to say – he wasn’t happy with the easy option & has now done a ‘Changing Rooms’ on Blog.

The result, I think, at least, is lovely to look at. He has even changed the background from what I found a very dull grey, to my favourite colour – blue.

You will see there is also now room for comments at the end of each segment. Please get stuck in, I would enjoy some feedback.

The downside is that, for the time being, at least, I have lost the facility to update as the icon for updating has disappeared. Sending my stuff to Q on Word for the time being.

This evening I have been left to play with matches as everyone has gone out. The grown-ups have gone for a meal & to the movies in Tauranga. They are going to see ‘Calendar Girls’ which has received some great write-ups. Michelle, especially, looked very glam & Alice asked me if I was going with them for their romantic meal. It’s an indication of how scruffy I must look all the time as she thought my tailored, white shirt was a sign that I had dressed up for a night out. Truth is, all my t-shirts are in the wash J

The girls have gone to the Scotts to stay for the night. Harriette especially, is very pleased as her invitation to the Scotts clashed with the semi-final of the NPC rugby Waikato-v-Wellington at home. It turns out the Scotts have Sky digital so she gets her night out & the rugby.

I am taking the opportunity to catch up on The Archers as well as my e-mails.

I went to the physio again today & was very happy when he located the nerve that was trapped. He says that has been causing the pain down my leg & he worked today to release it. The pain, for the time being, at least, has gone in my leg & the relief is lovely.

Yesterday I drove into Hamilton to have my most recent batch of pics transferred to disc. I have been itching to take pics of Cedar Lodge, especially the fenced pool & the new porkers.

I fell in love with NZ all over again after yesterday’s drive. The light, always different here, has been especially intense with the arrival of this gorgeous weather. I desperately need some sunglasses but, that aside, it’s as if someone has peeled a layer away from the scenery.

I dawdled along at my now customary 80kph gazing at the Waikato river, meandering it’s way along the valley, accompanying me all the way to Hamilton.

Mighty Waikato

I have never thought of this area of the North lacking in colour, especially after coming from Seddon, but it’s as if, at some unbidden signal, everything has suddenly burst forth. The trees have bright, acid green foliage & the grass, which never disappeared over Winter is suddenly ankle-deep along the verges.

Matamata is being prettified at a furious rate, in time for the Summer tourists. Beds are being planted, verges mown & hanging baskets hoisted. On Wednesday, for the 1st time, I saw tourists posing for the obligatory picture with the ‘Welcome to Hobbiton’ sign in the centre of town. I am ashamed to say I will be posing for mine soon.

My journey to Hamilton was a bit of an eye-opener. For the 1st time in 6 months I couldn’t park directly outside the shop & had to use, horror of horrors, a multi-storey car park. Yeuch. The more I see of Hamilton (multi-storeys aside) the more I like it.
Although I wouldn’t recommend taking a vehicle into the town centre, I ended up driving around it numerous times whilst searching for a parking space. I saw some beautiful areas & many houses had the most beautiful views of the river. The Waikato ambles through the town & numerous bridges criss-cross the river. I tried to think what it reminded me of & the closest I can come up with is the Thames at Windsor or Sunbury.

On my return journey, down SH1, I came through Cambridge. It is an incredibly pretty place & I look forward to having a good look around on a day off. It has one of the most stunning, lily-white, clapper-board churches I have ever seen. I couldn’t find a safe stopping place for a photo yesterday but I will endeavour to get one soon. I think it was called St. Andrews ? The most stunning feature in Cambridge was the trees. They are everywhere but I am still struggling to recognise them.

Up to Monday on The Archers now, Linda Snell, bossy as ever.

I saw 2 highly desirable vehicles yesterday. The 1st was a cherry red Jaguar XK8 being driven very sedately along SH1. The 2nd was a Cadbury’s Blade. Always the iconic Blade as far as I was concerned. The Blade was not being ridden sedately, I am glad to report. NZ is the world’s best-kept biking secret. There are surprisingly few bike bikes here. The only draw-back, as far as I can see, would be trying to do justice to the fabulous roads, whilst being able to take in the views at the same time. Perhaps riding pillion would be acceptable, for once ?

On the subject of vehicles, private plates are disturbingly common here. I don’t know if they are more popular than the UK, or if it’s just that fewer vehicles catch the eye more often. Some of the amusing ones I have seen are …

AGRS1VE = belonging to a doctor ?
CUT1CLE = mobile nail salon
SHOO4U = farrier
CHOOK = chicken farmer

I can’t yet work out which car comes from where, or how to work out the age of the vehicle. Speaking of being slow on the uptake, I noticed today, after 6 months, that there are no 1 or 2 cent coins here. I had seen signs in shops, which mentioned ‘rounding’ but had never paid them much attention. I noticed today that when my change came to 3 cents, I was given a 5 cent piece. I was about to draw the cashier’s attention to her mistake when it occurred to me that I had never seen a 1 or 2 cent coin.
How embarrassing would that have been ?

You may have noticed that I have mentioned that 6 months have elapsed since I have been here. I don’t know how it feels to you lot, but it has gone quickly for me. The half-way mark has …

(quick break to give the dogs their supper, their body-clock is incredible, they are fed at 7pm & Inca has just come in & shoved me politely with his nose. The time ? 7.03pm)

What do you think of the diet, Bin ?

He's a gun-dog you know

… prompted me to think again about things I miss.

The answer is quite easy, it’s the news media & radio.
The paper I read in the South was the Christchurch Press & it had a very good world section. The paper here is the Waikato Times & I find it insular & provincial. I remember Malcolm warning me that this was one of the things I would notice & he was right. I don’t doubt the Waikato Times is a good paper for local people (hints of Royston Vasey) but I find the lack of world news irking.

NZ has no national papers which is mind-boggling, given the size of the country. More amazingly still, it has a national radio programme which broadcasts on medium wave only. I have always taken the BBC for granted & thought that most countries received the World Service. It’s true that NZ supposedly gets the World Service but only at stupid-oh-clock & on a dreadful signal.

Every so often, Clare’s copy of the International Daily Express makes it’s way down to Cedar Lodge. A paper I always thought second-rate, is now read avidly, cover-to-cover.

It’s a small moan, compared to the natural beauty here but I miss Radio 4 hugely. Listening on the internet, as this evening, keeps me sane, but in no way makes up for the way Radio 4 accompanies me everywhere in the car in the UK.

I will close for now, as it’s time for dinner. If you have to be off with a dodgy disc & you do have to sit & read, there must be worse places to do it than Cedar Lodge.
Eric arrived home today for his lunch at 1.05pm. He was dabbling his hand in the pool some 12 seconds later. I think, even with a favourable tail-wind, that’s a record.

Bye for now,


ps. I am finding the font on the new Q4A quite small.
Is anyone else or do I just need glasses quicker than I thought ?

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Sorry you guyth no Blog ! Technical dificulties in Matamata , prevent play.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

In the mean time hooray for ' Naive Zebra '


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Summer arrived today, with little or no warning.

Yesterday was beautiful but blustery.

Today was absolutely beautiful, hot, still & no rain.

When I got back from the physio today I sat out on the deck in a vest top & shorts & read.

Eric was, as usual, playing with his pool. As soon as he gets back from work he can be found either adding things to the water, subtracting things from the water or scooping detritus from the surface. His dedication to his pool is above & beyond the call of duty.

At least it's a useful hobby which other people can reap the benefits of. Some men build model trains in their lofts or hide in sheds.

Some time later, I was reading when I noticed a furtive, neoprene-clad creature, sneaking through the gate & towards the water. He was soon joined by Harriette & Alice, similarly clad.

To be honest, I am surprised that after all his ministerings to the pool that he allows the children in it.

Judging by Harriette's shrieking the water was flippin' cold.

Now the fencing is finished, the pool is looking very professional, it is galling not to be able to take pictures. I hope to get into Hamilton in the next day or 2 in order to download the pics onto disc.

Speaking of Hamilton. Long time no hear Malc & Justine. How are you & Mac & Goo-Goo ?

Michelle showed much greater sense by gardening. She too had changed into shorts & a vest-top but clung grimly to Kiwi traditions by still wearing her wellies. (I refuse to call them gummies)

My back seems to have regressed a bit & the physio has taped me up again. As he was applying the tape he was clicking as he was bending. I asked for my money back & told him I was deeply suspicious of a 'clicky-physio'

He got his revenge by applying the tape so tightly across my nether regions that I feel I am wearing my buttocks as a knapsack (copyright E.tanner).

2nd doctor's appointment at 10.30am tomorrow to assess my progress.

Posted my parcel to my Mum today so that should be with her soon (10 days or so)
as I arrived home I met the mail-man whom I have never spoken to before.

'Hello Carol' he said cheerily.

I was about to ask him how he knew when it dawned on me.

Right, off to make some pancakes for dessert & e-mail this to Hadders & Cocky.

Only 1 e-mail for me today and that was the usual daily 1 giving the plot synopsis from The Archers. Not even a rambling, incoherent one from Q :(

Hurry back from the States Ange.


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

A very pleasant, slightly more constructive day than yesterday.

Caught up on some letter-writing, including an epic to my Mum as well as printing out & sending some Blog to her. She will be getting e-mail soon, so will join the ever-increasing list of people I print Blog to after typing it :)

Bin went to the vet yesterday with an ear injury sustained during one of his weekend scraps. He came back with a diet folder & a target weight of 36kgs. He is currently 46kgs. To give you an idea of what that is in old money, I am 60kgs.

He went to the vets having had no breakfast in case he needed a g/a. Upon his return from the vets, during which he honked in the car, Michelle took pity on him & gave him some lunch. The directions were 300g of food which Michelle promptly fed him. Later inspection revealed that this was his daily allowance, to be split into 3 separate servings. Bin spent the rest of the afternoon snoozing off his 'diet meal'

3rd physio appointment tomorrow & then a dr's appointment on Thursday to decide whether I return to work or take another week off. My back is hugely improved & I can stand straight now which I couldn't manage before.

Eric is very disappointed that I am recovering as he has spent the last few days making cruel & unnecessary jokes at my expense. His rendition of me loading the dishwasher whilst resting my head on the work-surface was particularly uncalled for. At various points in the weekend I have been compared with Bruce Forsyth & Galen (Planet of the Apes)

However, he who laughs last & all that malarkey ...

Eric came in from his chores this afternoon with a pronounced limp & a grimace. When I asked him if he was in pain he denied it strongly. There was no fooling me though, I am just pleasantly surprised to find sticking pins in wax effigies really works.

I have to say, he was being rather pathetic. His injury is only an old gunshot wound (sustained whilst tackling armed robbers off-duty, if you're wondering ?) Whereas, of course, my injury was collected under the far more dangerous circumstances of moving
vicious & savage sheep.

Right, time for sleep now. Sidney Sheldon tonight, who I have never read before.

Did you know he was responsible for Hart to Hart ? No me neither ?

"And when they met ... it was moyder !"

Goodnight all, especially Mum, posting you a ickle something tomorrow,


Monday, October 13, 2003

A fruitless day today & time here is too precious to waste.

You know what it's like when you're off sick, it's only enjoyable if you can still do the gardening.

I didn't join the Tanners til lunch-time having spent the morning reading & listening to my talking book. I am conscious of the fact that Michelle works from home now & I know how easily I would be distracted if I did. She did say that she wondered if I had collapsed behind locked doors & should she bring me a cup of tea as a welfare check ?

Went to the physio at 5pm & my back has eased off a little so hopefully I'll be back at work before too much longer.

At dinner yesterday evening, 7 yr old Hannah was questioning me as to what my job entailed & how long I was staying in NZ ?

'And are you single ?' she enquired.

'Yes - are you ?' I replied.

'No you're not' piped up Alice 'what about that guy from Lord of the Rings ?'

I had to explain that he was only my boyfriend in my fevered ickle mind.

Mastercard are doing an incredible promotion over here at the moment. I'm not sure what exactly you have to do but it entails spending $100 on your Mastercard. The winner & 4 friends are flown to Wellington to see the world preview of return of the King. Have you seen the poster ? - words fail me. Smouldering perfection

Prior to the movie, you receive a make-over & are driven to the cinema in a stretch limo. There is a party afterwards & you get to mingle with the stars.

This is where the terminology gets difficult as far as I can see.

One person's 'mingle' is surely another person's 'hanging desperately off Viggo's ankle' saying 'I came all this way to meet you & I can drive a tractor & ride a gee & everything-no, please don't call security.'

I went to Warehouse on my way back to get some essentials (stationery) & also to look for a CD. Since not hearing any trance music I have got very into the radio station I listen to in a morning - ZM. Michelle & Eric have just had radio fitted in the car I use for work so I will be able to listen to more now. The morning show is hosted by Polly & Grant, a husband & wife team. Kind of a funky Richard & Judy. She is very dry & witty & he is her foil.

One of the bands I am very into is Linkin Park . I loved the single they released when I was at Marfell Downs which was called 'I will not be ignored' (I think) It was very appropriate for letting off steam when Trish was hacking me off & it was their CD I was looking for. I think they are a US band & very unlike the kind of stuff I listen to normally.


I am a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everybody can see
these scars
I am what I want you to want what I want you to feel
But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you, to just believe
this is real
So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here cause you want what I've got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I am a little bit insecure a little unconfident
Cause you don't understand I do what I can but sometimes I don't make
I say what you never wanna say but I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do I can't convince you for once just to hear
me out
So I let go watching you turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you’re all that I've got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)
(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I can't feel
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored

I treated myself to Nirvana's Greatest Hits & also some ELO just in case you thought I had gone completely grunge.

I am also very into Pacifier who are a Kiwi band & now Nickelback having over-looked them earlier. I won't attempt to describe their sound if you haven't heard of any of these bands suffice to say the Coven would be proud of me. Plenty of hair-tossing to be done when my back is ok.

Speaking of hair, mine is very long, having not had it cut for some 5 months now. I can't decide whether it suits me or not & will probably wait til I see a photo as that's the only way I can judge. I plan on having it trimmed when I can sit in a hairdressers seat but will probably carry on growing it. It's the longest I have ever had it & goes with the Linkin Park thang.

I will leave you with a cheery poster I saw amongst the goodies in Warehouse today.

Start shopping beat the rush - only 11 weeks til Christmas


Sunday, October 12, 2003

A very sociable weekend.

The Stokes & kids arrived on Friday night, then last night, Michelle got to employ her catering skills to the maximum when the Frews arrived. Dad Dave, Mum Veronica & three kids, John, Rochelle & Sophie. The Frews are the epitome of Kiwi dairy farmers. Loud, friendly & weatherbeaten. The kids teased Dad about his jokes & when they left Kevin observed that is sounded more like a couple of thousand of people leaving rather than 5.

Apparently they were much quieter than usual. I can only imagine what they are like when they are full on.

Alice had spent the afternoon parading around with her knickers over her tracksuit bottoms & wasn't in the least concerned about it. When the Frews arrived with their 13 yr old son John in tow, Alice came running indoors a very fetching shade of pink shouting

'Oh no - John's seen me in my undies'

She was mortified.

The Stokes brought their 2 labradors Bella & Jazz much to the delight of Bin & Inca.
The boys spent a very exhausting Friday evening trying to bonk them. It was quite disconcerting trying to chat whilst Inca was humping away in a very amateurish but enthusiastic fashion. Jazz was underwhelmed & mostly slept through his attentions.

He got himself so worked up that sometimes as he walked along & nowhere near the object of his affections he would still be making little thrusting motions as if he was a canine Ricky Martin. Poor love, we found him very amusing.

Bin has behaved a bit oddly in the last few days & has been having a bit of an anti-social 'kevin' weekend. It began on Thursday evening, with Eric trying to clip the dogs nails. Inca was a bit pathetic & kept snatching his paw from Eric's hand but Bin definitely didnt like it

He began with rumbling growls & ended by snapping at Eric. Needless to say, Eric was not amused & Bin was sent to the kennel which is called his 'hole'. The next morning when the dogs were let out of their kennel they had their usual 5 mad minutes & attacked each other whilst racing around like loonies.

On this occasion, the fight, instigated by Bin, got a bit out of hand & ended with Inca running down the driveway. Inca wouldn't come anywhere near me until I put Bin in the hole. Bin continued his anti-social theme by fighting with the other dogs at feeding time yesterday morning. He seems a bit out of sorts & unsure of himself for want of a better phrase. Perhaps he will grow out of it.

Well, after 4 years of waiting, it's finally here & the best thing about having a back injury means I should be able to watch all the games for this 1st week at least. I don't know if I'm just miserable but I thought the opening ceremony the usual waste of time & money. I think each hosting country should donate all the money it spends on opening ceremonies to families who can't afford to get to see a World Cup game.

I watched the Aus-Arg game until it was obvious that Arg would definitely lose then went to bed shattered. I must have been the only person in NZ rooting for the Ozzies. The NZ-Italy game was a predictable whitewash but amusing nevertheless.

I think the video is being set here tonight for the Eng-Georgia game, I doubt anyone will be awake enough to watch it.

It is very peaceful here this afternoon. Kevin & Eric have gone into Matamata to get videos for the kids & some bits & pieces for dinner. Juliet is reading, and Michelle is arranging her office which is situated in a corner of Alice's room.

Michelle seems to be really enjoying her new job although the 1st couple of weeks have been meeting her colleagues, a lot of driving & setting up her office. Yesterday, she took delivery of a an exciting package of stationery. She even got a whole pack of hi-lighters, having only asked for one.

The kids are playing (suspiciously quietly) whilst seated at the dining room table. They are colouring something & Harriette seems to be organising things.

The kids were all supposed to be doing an introduction to fly-fishing this morning at Rotorua. The torrential rain put paid to that idea, although, needless to say, as soon as the decision had been taken not to go, the weather brightened.

Yesterday I read an article in a local paper which made me laugh out loud.

If you live here it sounds completely normal but I will try & find a way to copy it onto Blog so that you 'non-Kiwi' people can read it. I don't think it needs any introduction or explanation.
