Thursday, October 23, 2003

Good Evening,

Another gloriously sunny day, the 11th now.

The doctor signed me off for another 8 days which takes me up to the 31st.

I had another lazy, letter-writing day today. Wrote a very long letter to Mal
& will be enclosing some flower pics as he was very enthusiastic about the ones I took at Marfell Downs. I will also be enclosing this picture of him.

I think its lovely.

Pic ref to follow thanks Q.

Had a lovely, long chat with my Mum this morning. She has some health concerns,
but seems to be handling them far better than I am. I sent her a goodies package
a few days ago & especially wanted to know what she thought of the Norah Jones CD I sent her. I have been listening to her a lot over here & love her stuff.

Turns out Mum already has it, so we have a spare copy.

Don't Mums know they are not supposed to be into music before their kids are ?

I had a long chat with Q the other evening & something he said got me thinking.

He mentioned that someone at work had said they knew me better now after reading Blog than when we used to work together. It's odd isn't it, a few people have said the same. I suppose that wittering away on this, I often feel it's just me & the pooter so I am more candid than I would be face-to-face. Cheers, hearse-man, glad you are enjoying it. Also, hello to Tony, thanks for the e-mail. You change girlfriends more often than I move house & that's a lot. Why Darwin ? Have I missed something ?
Apart from 6 months of earlies, lates & nights ? Ha.

I joined the library today, so feel like a bona-fide citizen with roots now. I am also starting to think like a Kiwi. I took out 6 talking boooks & was charged $12 & found myself thinking it was expensive. That translates to £4.

I decided it was time, after 6 months to have the barnet trimmed. I selected a salon not based on price or the skill of the stylists but on how upright their chairs were. I am only comfortable sitting upright so it might be the world's quickest haircut. Nothing drastic, just a trim, I am still planning on having Bon Jovi hair.

"Come on you guysh - letsh rock ! Hello & Good evening Shurbiton !"

Aside from turning into a tightwad, I am adopting other Kiwisms, despite trying not to.

I have caught myself saying 'That's way too much' instead of 'far too much' & every morning Eric grimaces when I reply 'Good thanks' to his enquiry of 'Good Morning, how are you ?' All Kiwis say they are good, not well, when asked the same question.

At least I am still rooting for England in the rugby. The day I support anyone else is the day to tear up my passport I suppose.

Looks like Plod will be in this neck of the woods. Bill & some of his gang are visiting whilst 'working' in the area on Saturday. It works out quite well, as the Tanners are away in Thames with the Stokes & their parents. I suspect Eric & Michelle have arranged the Old Bill to check on me to make sure I am not playing with matches.

I won't be entirely alone though, as Bin & Inca will be keeping me company.

Must go for now as I have a couple of e-mails to send.

Please keep letting me know if this is too small for you to read.

There are now 5 of us so you are not alone.

Q says it's a whole day's work to re-programme the font size on Blog.

Michelle suggested he just 'selected all & changed the font size'. Bless.


ps 2 firsts today. 1. Wore a skirt
2. Bought some make-up.

I almost forgot.

2 things which made my blood boil & reminded me how furious things in England can make me.

Winston Silcott released. Bad enough. Interviewed on Newsnight. Words fail me.

Reports that Waterloo Station may be renamed Europe Station & Trafalgar Square to Concord Square in case French visitors to London are offended. Hello ?????

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