Tuesday, October 14, 2003

A very pleasant, slightly more constructive day than yesterday.

Caught up on some letter-writing, including an epic to my Mum as well as printing out & sending some Blog to her. She will be getting e-mail soon, so will join the ever-increasing list of people I print Blog to after typing it :)

Bin went to the vet yesterday with an ear injury sustained during one of his weekend scraps. He came back with a diet folder & a target weight of 36kgs. He is currently 46kgs. To give you an idea of what that is in old money, I am 60kgs.

He went to the vets having had no breakfast in case he needed a g/a. Upon his return from the vets, during which he honked in the car, Michelle took pity on him & gave him some lunch. The directions were 300g of food which Michelle promptly fed him. Later inspection revealed that this was his daily allowance, to be split into 3 separate servings. Bin spent the rest of the afternoon snoozing off his 'diet meal'

3rd physio appointment tomorrow & then a dr's appointment on Thursday to decide whether I return to work or take another week off. My back is hugely improved & I can stand straight now which I couldn't manage before.

Eric is very disappointed that I am recovering as he has spent the last few days making cruel & unnecessary jokes at my expense. His rendition of me loading the dishwasher whilst resting my head on the work-surface was particularly uncalled for. At various points in the weekend I have been compared with Bruce Forsyth & Galen (Planet of the Apes)

However, he who laughs last & all that malarkey ...

Eric came in from his chores this afternoon with a pronounced limp & a grimace. When I asked him if he was in pain he denied it strongly. There was no fooling me though, I am just pleasantly surprised to find sticking pins in wax effigies really works.

I have to say, he was being rather pathetic. His injury is only an old gunshot wound (sustained whilst tackling armed robbers off-duty, if you're wondering ?) Whereas, of course, my injury was collected under the far more dangerous circumstances of moving
vicious & savage sheep.

Right, time for sleep now. Sidney Sheldon tonight, who I have never read before.

Did you know he was responsible for Hart to Hart ? No me neither ?

"And when they met ... it was moyder !"

Goodnight all, especially Mum, posting you a ickle something tomorrow,


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