Friday, February 11, 2005

‘Snot & awe …’

Time spent continuously in bed : 42 hours

Foodstuffs consumed : Horlicks, lemon squash, chicken soup, Beechams Flu & Cold relief & Veno’s cough mixture (very good when mixed together, but don’t plan on walking anywhere because you can’t feel your legs)

Symptoms : Nausea upon standing, squashed head in a vice upon laying, headache, earache, joint-ache, too sweaty under the duvy, too cold out of it, barking cough, bleeding sore throat (not in an Essex girl way, but bleeding from too much coughing) & a snotty nose. And spotty legs. (I don’t know ?)

Positions attempted trying to get comfortable : 6,742

Number of times pillows turned whilst attempting to replicate someone with lovely, cool ‘pastry’ hands smoothing my forehead : 349

Reading matter : Old copies of Horse & Hound.

Dental problems : None (in case anyone was still confused)

As someone who rarely gets ill, I was surprised to find myself honking lavishly & copiously before late-turn parade on Tuesday. I put it down to feeling a bit emotional & made it onto parade, pasty-white & sweating & 5 minutes late.

Being the fabulously proficient martyr that I am I did the whole late turn brushing aside the Guv’nor’s entreaties for me to ‘go home.’
‘Nay Guv’nor tis but a flesh wound’

After no sleep thanks to feverish, sweaty nightmares about Milky’s court case (which I dreamt I stuffed up due to a typing oversight) it became apparent in the morning that I officially had a cold.

I didn’t start to feel human again until yesterday afternoon after a bath. Hating to miss anything which happens on a rest day, I promptly headed off into town to meet the team for a drink-up.

It was a good turn-out as well, though, as ever, the numbers who made it onto Oceana were somewhat depleted. We were even joined by 3 ‘normal’ people in the shape of Colin’s friend Mark, Laura’s friend Serena & Milky’s friend Jim.

It’s always the way isn’t it that when you emphasise just how good something is to someone & how it’s ALWAYS good, it just isn’t, the next time you do it. And so it was with Oceana & what we had promised to Jim.

Immediately we arrived, Andy had a disagreement with the bouncer over acceptable footwear & had to go home. Andy thought trainers acceptable, the bouncers didn’t. If you’re reading this mate, there were lots of blokes wearing trainers inside. Does that help ?

It was with high expectations that Jim was ushered inside & we confidently whisked him through ‘the cheese-room’ & on towards the r & b room. Only to find our way barred by a velvet rope. Turns out the r & b room was closed. Bugger. So with heavy hearts we turned back to the cheese-room, the music here is never quite fast enough & never quite loud enough.

The dance-floor was populated by the sick, the lame & the dead.

The blokes were all short & fat & the ‘girls’ were … well …

My personal favourite was dressed in an outfit that resembled an elongated black boob tube. It commenced just above her nipples & ended just below her buttock cheeks. If this sounds sexy, I promise you it wasn’t, because her body shape resembled a toilet roll inner. No in’s, no out’s, no … anything really. She must have been too warm & had dispensed with her underwear & her dancing was, how shall I describe it ? Enthusiastic.

To replicate the dancing I would like you do the following :

March very rapidly on the spot, to no discernible beat whilst turning your knees out as you raise them to waist height. Hold your arms aloft in a manner slightly reminiscent of an aggressive football fan & at random intervals punch both arms in the air simultaneously. Be very careful to make sure your arm & leg movements never correspond. Every now & then tug vaguely at your hem, dragging your dress down to cover your ‘downstairs’ modesty, until your frantic marching makes it ride up again.

Need I tell you that Milky, Jim & I positioned ourselves where we would get the best view & dared each other to go & dance with her ?

Some of the other ladies were the 50 year old Cher lookee-likee with her fags tucked in her mini-skirt. Classy. Or at least Phil thought so. There was also, the rhomboid shaped lady with no neck who was enamoured of leopard-print nylon. Then there were the 2 tall people. What are the odds against the 2 tallest people there hooking up & finding neither one had any rhythm ? Life can be so harsh.

I sulked for most of the evening, finding it impossible to dance to anything except 1 track by Usher but Jim & Milky had no such reservations. They boogied, they pranced, they did the eyebrow thing (actually that was just Jim) They postured, they shimmied & they tangoed. I kid you not, I have photographic evidence. I came to the conclusion they would enjoy themselves in an empty room.

'And this week's couple in 'Strictly Come Dancing are ...'

'What do you mean chicks DON'T dig scars ?'

'The eyebrow thing' Easy ladies.

Tomorrow it’s early turn again. I’m going to read this week’s Horse & Hound & make myself some dinner. I’d usually have an early night before earlies but I’m sick of being in bed & I never thought I’d say that.

I’ll leave you with this, which I thing you’ll agree needs only one title

‘Caption Competition’


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