Sunday, November 23, 2003

I am still floating on air.

I will leave it to those better qualified than I, to describe the game.

I will simply say, it is so good to be English. The boys were utterly
fantastic & the Southern Hemisphere is a great place to be when your
team are World Champions. How good does that look. I'll type it again


When I awoke this morning, it was with that euphoric glow of knowing
something good happened the previous night. It took about 3 or 4 seconds
for me to remember & when it came to me, I lay utterly still.
I was afraid to move, convinced that when I woke more completely,
I would realise I had been dreaming.

Slowly, the evening came back to me & I dared to believe it was true.

We were invited to the Tanner's friends, Richard & Robyn Scott to watch the game
last night. I had doubts over whether to accept the invitation for the simple reason
that I knew there would be at least 5 kids milling about during the game.

Although Harriette does watch the rugby, she tends to assume everyone
else in the room is visually impaired & therefore witters away saying things like
'That is a drop kick' as we are all watching a drop kick.

The other kids don't watch & tend to fidget & chatter throughout
the games. I was really torn between staying at Cedar Lodge with the
bliss of a tv, sofa & peace & quiet or the company of other England fans
to share the victory.

In the end, being sociable won out & after a quick snooze & a shower to
revive myself, I headed off to join them at the Scott's.

When I got there, it was more stressful than I had guessed with some
7 kids in evidence, including a 4 yr old. The Scotts had also invited their
friends Neil & Karen & they had, in turn, brought their 2 kids.

The kids were as distracting as I thought they would be & I could feel
myself becoming agitated as they raced around screaming. I wondered
if it was rude for a guest to bawl at the kids

'Go to a bedroom, shut the door & stay there'

I guessed it probably was.

On the upside, Neil & especially Karen were very good value for money.

She was a very dry raconteur & her outlook on kids & domesticity was amusing.

We ate loads & then jostled & barged for a good spot in front of the tv.
All 4 Kiwis were rooting for the Aussies, which I am sure would have been
entertaining had it not been a final. As it was, I could feel myself having a
bit of a sense of humour failure as the Wobblies came closer & closer to
ruining the fairy-tale ending.

Luckily, right prevailed & I was able to knock the Kiwis to the floor, straddle their
chests & grasp them by the throat demanding

'Who's the Daddy now, who is ?'

I didn't, but I imagined it, which was just as good.

We drove home on Cloud 9 & when I went to bed it was easily 2 hours before
the adrenaline stopped coursing. I finally dozed off as the birds started at 4am.

We planned to watch the game again at 4pm today to enjoy the commentary in relative
peace & quiet without it being talked over by abusive Kiwis.

B***er me, if more Kiwis didn't turn up & chatter about flippin' Agas throughout the whole of the 1st half & expect the Poms to be sociable. I think it's a plot.

I am going to wear my England top to work tomorrow & woe betide the neddy
who snots on it. I can't wait to see Brent & especially Dean who have given
me no end of stick for the last month about 'boring, boring England'

I also plan to put a note on the notice board,

'For Sale - All Blacks replica kit.
Unwanted gift.
Any reasonable offer considered'

On that note, the most entertaining text I received last night was from
the Auckland token chick, Bill,

I duplicate it here for your entertainment...

'A prominent Kiwi politician has been found dead, dressed as an
All Black. Police have dressed him in a skirt & blouse to avoid
embarassment to the family.'

As Jonny punted his life-changing goal last night my phone rang,

'Hello ?' I answered.

screamed Stan.

I love it when we all sit down to watch a game.

We watched some news footage tonight of pubs in England during the game.
Although NZ loves it's rugby, I would like to be home when the team return.
The airport should be a great place to be.

Must go now, have a few bits to prepare for work & have some
sleep to catch up on.

Thanks again to the flower fairy, you know who you are.

Goodnight from a very happy Pom,


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