Tuesday, March 02, 2004

'By George I think she's got it'

My Gran is fond of saying 'There's none so blind as them won't see'

She's also fond of saying 'Shove it up yer a***', but that's a story for tomorrow when I have more
time to type. I look forward to telling you about my Gran. She's great.
This evening, it's my turn to cook & I've just completed a fairly lengthy e-mail.
Time is pressing.

Where was I going with this ?

I remember.

The point being, it's hard to get people to see things, when they don't want to.

Today, I finally read & comprehended the writing on the wall.

Admittedly, I had to have my face pushed up against the wall, so hard in fact, that my nose
was a bit squished & I found it hard to focus on the words, but I got the gist.

The reason I came here was mostly a person. That person was finally honest enough today, to let
me cut the emotional ties I had been grasping far too tenuously.

Sorry if this is either a) making no sense or b) too self-indulgent, but, it's MY blog
& if we don't play with it, I will take it home. On that subject, when we played cricket as kids,
do you know that the large pink, plastic bat we played with belonged to my brother Lloyd.
When we declared him 'out' he really did used to say
'I'll take my bat home ...' & gain lots more lives.

If only, as kids, we'd understood sarcasm.

On a serious note, this is supposed to be a record of how I feel during my time away,
to ignore what was said today, would be being completely dishonest with myself &
pretending everything's ok. When it's not.

I don't want to go into too many details here, because it's unnecessary, & boring for those
who don't know what I'm referring to, (& probably for those that do, come to think of it. )

Suffice it to say I have taken one small step for Man, one giant step for Briggsy.

Onwards & upwards,

Lamb chops, pumpkin & spuds for dinner.


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