Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Trousers bursting, gut straining, that's right, dinner at The Tanners tonight.

This will be a quick posting as it's past 10, I'm knackered & I still face the drive home. Eric, this cd burner is too close to the keyboard, please reposition it immediately. Add it to your list of jobs please.

Met up with Bloo on Sunday night, it's fair to say we got on. Clamping your hand over the other's mouth became the recognised signal for 'stop, I need to urinate'. We talked solidly for 5 & a half hours.

It turned out we had many similar views & shared experiences.

It's true, we are both left handed, Saggitarian, Jehovah's Witnesses.

Who could have known ?

Despite my best efforts to go somewhere other than The Albert, we ended up there. I enjoyed my meal very much but I don't think Bloo was happy with his. He threw his chair roughly to the floor, not once, but twice to indicate his displeasure. We then played pool til they kicked us out & headed off on a picturesque moonlit tour of Cambridge whilst Bloo tried to remember where the hell his motel was.

We also paid a visit to the newly completed neddy statue

I thought it was very beautiful & am glad I saw it before leaving.

The weather has been stunning here the last couple of weeks, cold bright nights, fresh frosted mornings & hot, sunny days. The Waikato has shed it's surly, sogginess at the best possible time, I will have wonderful memories of this beautiful place.

Very sad to read on the BBC website of the death of Alistair Cooke. Radio 4 won't be the same.


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