Monday, April 17, 2006

Boom! shake-shake-shake the room ... tick-tick-tick-tick Boom!

I've long held a fascination with all things incendiary.

When I was 13 I went to a lovely middle school in ***** where I was really happy.

I wondered what would happen if I left the gas taps on in the science block over the weekend.

So that's what I did.

I was interested to know if we would be transferred to another school if I razed mine to the ground.

I suspected not and thought we might get at least 2 weeks off school whilst relocation was organised.

The scool was still standing on Monday morning. I did consider asking all the staff if they had turned the gas taps off last thing Friday but thought they may consider this an odd question.

My name is not Earl and I tried to blow up my middle school.


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