Monday, September 22, 2003

I should have whinged about the weather earlier. Today was gloriously sunny & verging on. dare I say it ? - too hot. I dozed in the sunshine whilst reading my book at lunch-time & was obliged to seek shade when I got too warm.

I am doing an early Blog today as I need a very early night. I was creosoting this afternoon & have a stinking headache. Hopefully an early night will sort it out.

Eric has just gone to feed the piggies & Michelle & the girls have gone to drop off 2 of the girls friends who stayed the day as it is the beginning of 2 weeks school holiday.

2 new work experience people started today so it has been a bit 'job-share' today. If you put something down & left your job halfway through you could guarantee someone else was doing it when you got back.

A bit of research last night tells me my 'Little Owl' was in fact a 'Morepork'. They look identical but there are apparently no Little Owls in North Island. The Morepork is so-named due to the call it makes.

Most New Zealanders will be familiar with the plaintive cry "Morepork, Morepork" often heard in the dead of night - the call of the Morepork, also known as the New Zealand Owl or Ruru. Although well known to most of us, there is an air of mystery about this unusual creature, a bird that is often heard but seldom seen. A shy night dweller of bush and wooded garden, the Morepork is endemic to New Zealand and is the only species of owl living in New Zealand forests. Originally a bird of the native forest, the Morepork has adapted well to the widespread deforestation of much of the country and now also lives in man-made habitats such as parks, pine plantations and neighbourhood gardens where trees abound.

Heard from Lolly today. He is in New York. His 1st visit there during 'peace-time' He is having a great time visiting all our old haunts & recceing some new places.

Have to go now, land-line is needed.


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