Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ever had one of those moments … ?

… when you wish you were anywhere but where you are ?

Picture the scene …

I had hurt my ankle running on Monday & tried to run through the pain, unsurprisingly aggravating it more. I decided to lessen the impact of today’s exercise by using one of those cross-trainers. I’m sure you’ve seen them but if not, imagine cross-country ski-ing whilst pushing upright bars back & forth.

Bloody stupid things.

Anyway, I clambered on & got stuck in, finding it surprisingly hard work & working up a gratifying sweat in a very short space of time.

I reached for my drink to quench my thirst and at this point things started to go awry.

I let go of the bars to raise the bottle to my lips. The bars continue to move back & forth, seemingly of their own accord, but moved, in fact, by the energy generated from your still moving legs.

With the most comically bad timing the bar caught my elbow, tipping the contents of my drink all over my face & head. If it had been water I would have pretended that I was just very hot & trying to cool down.

As it was it was Lucozade.

And I was in the front row of cross-trainers.

Directly in front of the tv screens.

And every other gym user.

I had programmed the machine to run for 50 minutes and tipped the contents of the bottle over myself at 7 minutes. The next 43 minutes were best described as uncomfortable.

At the point I clambered off the machine & headed for the door, I was still blushing.


It was a tomato & basil soup moment Hx.


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