Thursday, November 25, 2004

Southward Bound

Today started with breakfast with the kids.

Since arriving I’ve missed it every morning, due to a rare but serious condition, which means my bones are not firm enough to support my bulk prior to 0830.

However, the threat of Harri coming into my flat this morning for a goodbye hug was enough to get me into the kitchen. .

Alice was holding court complaining that of all the people in the school that she could go on camp with she was bunking with her ‘worst enemy’ whose name escapes me.

Harri was being threatened by Eric to put the plastic stuff out in the recycling bins.

The conversation sounded something like this

Michelle ; ‘Harri – please loosen your hairband, it’s too tight’

Harri ; ‘Ugh’

Alice ; ‘…and the thing is, no-one even asked my opinion’

Eric ; ‘Harri, please put the waste into the recycling bins’

Harri ; (pulls face) ‘Why should I ?’ etc

Eric ; (to no-one in particular) ‘It’s 0820, we are leaving at
0830, ready or not’

Michelle ; ‘Harri, I’ve sliced the bread, make yourself a sandwich’

Alice ; ‘..I don’t want a sandwich !’

Michelle ; ‘I know, I’ve stopped making you sandwiches, because
you never eat them,Harri, sort your hair out.’

Eric (loudly) ‘Eight-twenty-two ! We are leaving in 8 minutes !’

Eric ; ‘Harri, stop standing around & put the waste out’

Michelle ; ‘Alice, you drifted over here to pack yourself some
lunch, now please do it’

Eric ; ‘Why haven’t you put the waste out yet Harri ?’

Harri ; (loudly) ‘I can’t, there are plants on top of the bin’

All (chorused) ‘Well take the plants off the bin then’

Harri ; ‘I can’t, Mum tells me not to put them on the floor, in
case the dogs knock them over’

And so on and to think I’ve been missing this.

I must go pack in a minute, Michelle has kindly loaned me a bag which is halfway between my case & my rucksack, one of which is too large & the other too small.

I plan on packing very light so all the photos will show me wearing the same clothes for the next few days. Nothing wrong with that ey Bloo ? I will be taking a change of underwear though & of course space will have to be made for the little white guy.

I catch the bus from Tirau at 1255 today, Eric is going to drop me there hopefully, then it’s a day long bus ride sitting next to the serial murderer/rapist/mental health patient that I always end up next to on the buses here.

Thankfully, I saved a book to read, it's a Chris Ryan so I'll be occupied by a testosterone-fuelled blood/war/bullets fest. Perfect.

An overnight stay in Wellington (Bloo recommends the YHA), wonder if there’ll be a princess net over my bed ? I must remember to take innumerable plastic bags to rustle at 0200, I understand that’s the thing to do at these types of places ?

Then I’m on the ferry for 0930. At least I hope I am, the people at the information place couldn’t book me on it yesterday due to pooter problems but I was assured that ‘it’s never busy for foot passengers on a Friday morning’. If I don’t get on the ferry Murray, look out for someone swimming through the Sounds. The ferry gets into Picton, from Picton to Nelson via another bus ride & then Murray has kindly offered to pick me up from the bus station.

The plans from there are a few days with Murray, then heading off to Blenheim/Seddon to see Mal & Mike. I anticipate being back at Cedar Lodge next weekend unless I end up in A & E after buggying.

If I don’t get on-line in the next few days, worry not, I’ll be fine.

I’ll be keeping a hand-written diary & will transfer everything at the end of the 10 days or so.

If you’ve e-mailed me recently, thank you, I will reply probably when I’m next back at Cedar Lodge.

A couple of hello’s

Angie – How are you ? Tiring of Phil & Fern yet ? No reply to e-mails or texts, so I can’t supply you with that address – sorry.

Trudes – Where are you ?

Stu – I may not get a chance to Blog tomorrow, if I don’t ‘Happy Birthday’ for you on the 26th and ‘Happy Birthday’ to Barley Marley on the 28th. 6 years old – bless. Give her a hug from me please.
Hi to Kerry – hope she’s well ?

I think that’s everything, although I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve forgotten something,oh yes, congratulations to Mummeh, who’s out of the reeds. Is it scary out there ?


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