Friday, December 10, 2004

Fresh air solves everything

Despite trying to stay awake yesterday, I gave up the ghost at 1700 & went to bed for a 'quick nap' I awoke at midnight, bright eyed & didn't succumb again until 0400. Luckily Milky's always on NZ time so he kept me company via text. If that reads oddly, it's Milky (aka The Milky Bar Kid) not Milky (Milkmaid). Clear ? Good.

After filling the washing machine numerous times (I kept removing the clean, wet clothes, so that's ok) I decided I could shake off some of my lethargy by going 'outside'.

After a quick visit to the bank, I headed off to Bushy Park on the bike for a 2 hour meander around the park. Bushy is the closest I can do to countryside without getting in the car.

I saw the new ice rink they have put in at Hampton Court & lots of very proficient skaters.

I saw these, which I think are beautiful.

And in the park I paused to watch this lady.

She was trying to keep the seagulls at bay, whilst feeding the bread at the swans with signets. She was fighting a losing battle. The Canada goose you see, approached me very brazenly & decided my amber ring looked edible. He tried, very determinedly, to remove it from my finger, despite my attempts to explain it wasn't.

I felt much better, as usual, for being outdoors, came home & slept for a few more hours, prior to work, which is where I'm heading in 30 minutes. Hopefully the cold weather will keep the bad guys indoors. I'm looking forward to work, it will be good to catch up with the news & having spent 3 weeks with other people, doing lots, I've found it a bit odd to be 'home alone' Sharon's in South Africa.

Hx, got your message, running a bit late, having done this, will call you from work if that's ok ?

Oh yes, I knew there was something.

Remember yesterday & my 6.5 hour odyssey to get home thanks to the A3 being closed ?

Guess who closed it ?


'Bi-ill !'


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