Friday, December 10, 2004

I'm back.

I don't want to be. Enough on that.

It's 0234 in the morning, so what else would I be doing other than blogging ?

See (can anyone explain to me how I do those links where if you clicked on what I've just typed, it takes you directly there?) for details of my unbelievable journey home from Heathrow to Kingston. Thank you Bloo, for making it bearable and even funny. You're right, you didn't go far enought down the embankment.

I received a goodbye card from Cedar Lodge. There was a picture of Mt Cook on the outside. This was written inside ;

'Find enclosed the following token ; Hei-Matua ; Fish hook.
It represents strength & determination. It brings peace and prosperity,
abundance and good luck. It also provides a safe journey over water, a
little late perhaps !

There is however an alternative meaning specially for you.

First, it will provide you with a direct link to us here at Cedar Lodge.
It is fashioned from 'your tree'. The scorch marks are genuine !
Second, it is in the form of a hook. We know New Zealand has hooked
into you. This will ensure we can reel you in and bring you home.'

Eric, it is quite possibly one of the most touching & thoughtful gifts
I have ever received. I have told you before, I know, how much I envy
people skilled enough to work wood. The longevity & 'touchability' of
wood makes it something that brings me much satisfaction.
Knowing where the wood comes from proves that even from an incident
which caused me so much upset can come something beautiful and long-lasting.

Thank you, it eases the blow.


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