Sunday, February 15, 2004


Ignore the box thing, trying to install a counter, without much success, until Stin can
sort me out.

Tonight is the 1st time I haven't felt tired since Xmas & it's lovely.

I am well on the way with my packing & have some boxes stowed in the back
of the car to offload at the Stud tomorrow.

Chatted to Stu this weekend, good to hear all the Leith Hill gossip & pass
a telephone love to B.Roo.

Had a lovely long catch-up fone call with Mum this morning (her Sat evening).
She has been back to work this week, for a few hours every day.
She shouldn't really be back yet & it's to her credit that she has been in.
Each day has left her very tired, but she catches up on her naps during the day.

At the end of our call, we discussed 'my plans'. Ha.
I really wish I was able to answer what on the face of it, is a perfectly simple
question from people.

One thing this year away has taught me is that things crop up when you least
expect them & not to stress too much when planning. I seem to be looked after
when I am least expecting it.

I also believe, more than ever now, in destiny & things occurring for a reason.

In a nutshell, my plans are, wait for a sign.

I don't mean a spiritual one. In fact, I would quite like a large neon one.

The good thing is I have a decent, well-paid job waiting for me.

A lot of people I meet aren't in that position.

My biggest problem is choices.

I was a source of constant frustration to my parents, when faced with choices as
a kid. If the ice-cream van (all together now Di ...'ICE CREEEEEAM MAN') had more than 5 choices, it was not unknown for my Dad to say 'If you can't decide, you're not having anything at all'

I would far rather capitulate to someone else's decision making.

Don't know why, as I am quite growed-up in other respects ?

Will disappear for now, as there are lovely smells emanating from a very steamy kitchen.

The foties are of Watties , looking messy, happy & natural, now that she has returned from the sales.
She is waiting to be collected by her buyers.


Trina breaking the farm bike & Ledge fixing it

& the barn which the weanlings are staying in, for their week of handling.



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