Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Scent - the most evocative sense ? Discuss.

Today, I was assisting clearing up leaves & fallen trees on this very gusty Tuesday.
My brain was in overdrive as I was enveloped by the wonderful aroma of fresh, damp earth,
leaves & pine sawdust.

Happy as a pig in the proverbial

I was transported to Leith Hill, easily the most beautiful place I have lived in England.

I wouldn't describe the feeling as being homesick, because I'm not, but I would love
to have taken Barley Marley for a really long walk all around the tower. I was even dressed
appropriately in full length waxed coat & Hunters.

The Hunters have caused a stir here.

And I thought bike wheelies looked good ? How cool is this ?

For everything NZ gets right, it ought to hang it's head in shame in the 'welly' department.
Or (spit) 'gumboots' as they call them.

I refuse to call them 'gummies' which sounds like something you eat.
You know where you are with the word 'wellies'.
Someone newly arrived from Mars, would know what 'wellies' were.

They have poxy ickle wellies called 'redbands' which only reach half way up the calf,
rendering them ...

1) impractical (you still get wet feet, walking in long grass)
2) painful (Kiwis wear them with shorts & they chafe the back of afore-mentioned calf)
3) stupid (see 1 & 2)

The Kiwis are faint with desire every time they see the Hunters, although naturally, they
cover up their jealousy by pretending to mock, asking questions like

'What's the buckle for then ?'


'... like a flatulent duck'

I spent a lovely evening chez Tanners yesterday. Met Ma & Pa Smith & Michelle who I was able to
talk neddies with. It felt like I had been away for ages & was lovely to catch up on everyone's news.

Harriette is now the proud owner of an extremely beautiful saxaphone.
Unfortunately, at this early stage, the noises she makes cannot be described as beautiful &
she spent much of the evening banished to her room, parping away like a flatulent duck.

This entry will be short as it's past beesies time & I still want to send some pics,
wait til you see the next one of the cat's foot, Mummeh.

Owe loads of e-mails, hope you don't mind people ?


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