Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Kia Ora

Yes, they really were woods.

I hacked & smashed my way around, struggling for ages & wondering why.
It dawned on me half way round that I was playing with ladies clubs,
some 3-4" shorter than the men's clubs I always play with.

That's my excuse & blah-de-blah ...

Check out the view from the 5th. As beautiful as Gatton Manor is, I don't think
it has anything to rival Mount Tapuaenuku.

Mount Tapuaenuku

Mount Tapuaenuku, Inland Kaikouras
The highest peak in the South Island's Inland Kaikoura range, Mt Tapuaenuku is 2,885 metres high and dominates the surrounding countryside. The view of the mountain on the $20 note is from the east side of the Inland Kaikouras, looking up from the Awatere Valley floor.

(pic please Q)

I am becoming obsessed wth this mountian, I look a it every day & cannot
believe it's on my doorstep.

Awatere Golf Day 18 June 2003 001

I played with Lillian (right) & Wendy (left) today.

They were really good fun & Lillian especially made me laugh.

She must be late sixties & hit a blindingly good shot off the tee on the 18th.

It landed some 15' away from the flag.

I congratulated her on a good shot & she said

'Is it ? I can't see them after I have hit them' Classic.

After the game, some chit-chat & paperwork to become a member.

Most clubs, especially in Surrey have a waiting list & you can expect to pay anything
up tp 3 grand to join. You then pay fees every time ypu pay on top of that.

My joining fee for Awatere ? $78. No wonder thay call it rip-off Britain.

Mind you - I also have to pay every time I play - $2

Into Blenheim to post some stuff & to look for some more music.
Sang loudly all the way back to Queen's Greatest Hits II.
Managed to time "Who wants to live forever" with the sunset.
The summit of Mount Tapuaenuku was crimson & more awe-inspiring
than usual.

In 1985 I was on holiday in Spain & we passed up the opportunity to go see
Queen in concert in Barcelona. I don't have many regrets but that is one of them.

The neddies have been separated now & Kestrel & Horace,
the 2 geriatrics, have been placed in what's accurately called
the 'Dump Paddock' due to the location of the rubbish dump.
You will remember that this is Coco's final resting place.

This evening I went to feed them as usual.

To set the scene, you have to know it was pitch black,
I had only a torch with me & that the paddock is about
1/4 mile from the house. Remote is a useful word.

As I arrived Kestrel was there looking over the fence waiting for his hay.
No Horace. Bugger.
I knew the right thing to do was to go search the paddock to see
if he had fallen or was trapped somewhere.

I also knew that there was lots of machinery in the paddock & a grisly
sight may well greet me.

Call me spooked but I also knew that ...

1) Boy was still unaccounted for &
2) Coco's skeleton was on the rubbish heap

Ok, raise your hand if your imagination is working overtime.
Yep - mine too.
Guess what I was thinking ? Wish Barley was here.

I set off into the paddock & shouted repeatedly & confidently
(to scare the monsters away - obviously)
I had searched 7/8ths of it when I found Horace.

Standing watching me.

I said to him in a high, squeaky, relieved voice 'There you are, silly'

There was absolutely nothing wrong with him (so you can look properly now Di)
he just fancied standing watching me in the dark.

We all had fish & chips for tea.

There - happy ending.

Cocky - got your tx, but I have no credit to reply.
Feel free to call between 8pm & 10pm weekdays
(that's between 7am & 9am over there)
Or anytime weekends. (We are 11 hours ahead)
Bear in mind I am rarely on my own so unlikely to be free to speak.
Q or Di or Stu have the number.

Nitey-nite Blighty.


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