Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Hello my little poms

Pooter is exreeeemley slow 2nite so don't know if this will post ok ?

Have tried pushing coal in the slot, but it won't go any faster ?

1st, thanks for all the e-mails today, you have no idea how cheering it is to read all your funny messages.
I may not be able to reply individually 2nite but pls don't let that put you off mailing me.
2day has been manic, but peace & quiet at last, kids in bed, dishwashers x2 churning away & a bit of 'me' time.

Lunged 3 neddies today, 2 were fine although one kept trying to bite me whilst I tacked him up & I had to tell him to
PACK IT IIIIIN ! The 3rd looked at me, the whip & the lunge-lead so much as to say 'You want me to do what?'
Turned out she had never been lunged before. I took it easy on her. I know how it feels to have people think you know what you're doing when you don't.

After that I went into Seddon for the 1st time to pick up the passport which I had left n Rangiora with Geoff & Rochelle & to get some milk. Seddon has a school, a general store, a cafe, a bike dealership, an arts & crafts store & an information centre. That's it ... I kid you not. No bank, post office, clothing stores, supermarket, public telephone. Not even a Starbucks.

Quick pause whilst I publish b4 I lose this chunk, 'stand by unless urgent'

The light dawns, I think the pooter is going slowly cos the Q-meister is simultaneoulsy editing.
Anyway, to continue, the postal system here is unbelievably sweet, here's how it works.

I call Geoff & explain I have been a Dilbert & left my passport with him. He says 'no problem' he will send it to me recorded delivery. I expect a liveried postman to deliver it to my door, post-haste. No no no no no.

It gets sent to the 'Cosy Corner Cafe' in Seddon with a note on the envelope to 'Ring Carol at the Redwoods'
I then have a 20 minute drive into 'town' & present myself to the lady in the cafe.

I was longing to do a Walton's impersonation & walk in & say 'Believe you have a parcel for the Walton family ma'am.

But then I remembered - nobody likes a smart-arse. Turns out the postman only delivers letters to your door round theeese paaarts for the simple reason that it would take him too long to deliver anything else.

After some lunch I decided to clean 4 of the numerous sets of tack. As I laid them out onthe verandah (rocking chair & pipe obligatory, even for ladies) Chris asked me suspiciously 'What are you planning to do with that tack ?' When I explained he looked at me very oddly. I could tell exactly what he was thinking.

It was the same look he gave me when he watched me clean the kitchen work-surfaces during my first day here. He watched me in total silence & then said 'You will have to lower your standards to work here' I know what he means.

The kids are bemused when they find head-collars tidied away, bridles cleaned & oiled & most miraculously, hats & coats
hanging up

gulp of tea & publish again .....

Still haven't opened a bank account or purchased the bits & pieces I need for my adventure tour (sleeping bag, walking socks, shark repellent) which is rapidly approaching so I am hoping to go to Blenheim tomorow. Blenheim is a beautiful town & has the added bonus of having retail outlets so that's a novelty. With any luck my charger will arrive tomorrow but no doubt I will have to pick it up from Old Ma Skillet.

It was my turn to cook tonight so pooling my considerable culinary skill I served ... sausage, mash, peas & carrots with onion gravy. It went down a storm. 6 clean plates. Kids know good food when they see it.


Although I don't have 1 yet, I am hoping to pick up a cheapish cassette recored. My room is far too quiet.

Tapes of any of the following would be gratefully received, but please liaise (2 i's Di) with each other, would hate you to be doubling the cost of sending the same stuff..

All from Radio 4 93.5 FM

Any Archers please, especially the omnibus. Sunday am 10 til 1110
or weekdays 1402 or 1902 hours.
'Gardeners Question Time' (don't know the time or day)
Any weekday drama/play 1415 til 1500
'Home Truths' (my favourite) Saturday morning 0900
'I'm sorry I havent a clue' (not a programme, just how I feel) weekdays 1830
'The News Quiz' weekdays 1830
'The NOW Show' (not sure)
'Just a minute' weekdays 1830

Think I had better stop there, starting to sound a bit obsessive.

Right, off to beesies for me. Currently enjoying a Bill Bryson & reading it far too quickly as usual.

Oh yes, I remember, I said I would tel you how I am feeling didn't I ?

Well ... NZ more than lives up to my expectations. It is all I had hoped & more, as soon as I have time to work out putting foties on pooter I hope to share it with you. On a personal level, I am awake every morning at about 0430 & cannot get back to sleep. It is during these hours it is hardest. I don't want to dwell cos I know I have lovely friends who worry about me. Suffice to say, I have some strong reservations & don't want to make any snap decisions. Whatever happens I am going to wait a month to see how I feel then. I love my routine, I hate change & I have just undergone the biggest change ever & I know how hard it has hit me.

Enough gloom, keep the e-mails rolling in.

A few quickies ...

Di - Please stay strong for the sake of the babies. If it persists - rub his nose in it (joke)
ps...they TELL me to leave the pegs on the line here-so there & I leave my toilet LID not SEAT
up all the time, cos I can.
How's the study ? Have you got a board date ?

Ang - Good luck with the tests, if all else fails, tell them about your cats paws
Glad to hear you enjoyed an Italian the other night.

Andy - Teeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa - I have to make all my own tea here:(

Creaky - Welcome. Sorry I couldnt hook up with your off-spring in Singapore. Is she made-up too ?

Col aka Rocky I have driven a petrol-driven sit-on lawn-mower & a Toyota Hi-Ace 8 seater van.
They are sorting out my Heavy Traffic Licence soon. How's the Cad room these days ?
Any joy with the AA ?

Q - It is on all the time so - broadband ? Thanks for the erasure tips, will try them 2nite.
Trying to give more - it's hard. Will persist.

Agent Rampart - Wingwalker safe stop The geese fly West at midnight (that's left Di)

Bill - Cost to get to North Island via ferry is at least $200NZ so trip will not be in immediate future as budget is stretched.
Hope all ok & your Haka offer remains a good substitute for GOWISE.

New Zealand ferries - Inter Island ferry

Weeny - Squeeze passed on to H, who remains in hiding under pillow for fear of ridicule by kids.

Trudes - Remember what it was like to sit on something half-wild with not much brain (horses not men)
Snap. I will either fall off a lot or get very good. My money's on falling off.

Stu - I am desperate to know how you did on the 20th ?
I know you haven't been at work so you can't e-mail, if anyone is reading this who has spoken to him since
Tuesday, could you pleeeease give me an inkling of how he's done ?

Barley - Please hurry out soon. I would love to see that crazy grin, those hairy ears & that funny wiggly dance.
If your Dad can't make it then just come alone ! I haven't had a hug for nearly a week & it's starting to show.

Why Dog's Kill Their Owner's

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me but its 2300 here & I am getting thru the matchsticks.

So long for now.


Q - You are editor extraordinaire - love the Waltons photo, makes me smile to know we are Blogging simultaneously 17,000km apart.

On a scary note, just had a really painful grabby sensation, all up my femoral artery from my knee to my groin. Never had it before & wouldn't think twice about it normally except for just having done a long-haul flight. Oh well, at least if I get rushed back to Blighty I can cuddle aooooah. If they find me collapsed here, please let them know my diagnosis was DVT. Ta.

Proper night-night now.


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