Monday, May 05, 2003

Spent a very enjoyable day at a horse show today. Unfortunately, wasn't dedicated enough to get up in time to see Linda's double clear-round which was at 9am. Met Trudy & Stuart and Barley at 11 & headed off for a day in the sun being ringside critics. The part of the day I wasn't looking forward to came all too quickly & I had to say goodbye to Trudy for a year. She goes to Cyprus tomorrow for a week so we knew it would be our last opportunity. We stood & hugged & didn't need to say anything. It was obvious. I admire Bill for being strong enough to say permanent goodbyes to friends & family. I am struggling with just 12 months. It occurred to me today that I was looking forward to coming back already.

For the 1st time in a long time last night I struggled to get to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes all the jobs I have to do were swimming in my brain. It seems to have crept up on me with a vengeance that I am going in 6 days. I am not packed, my stuff is not in Di's loft, my flight is not booked & what am I planning to do tomorrow ? Play golf with Andy. I know I should be doing useful things but I am trying to cram in seeing all my friends as much as possible before I leave. I know that in the next few days I have other people I have to say goodbye to & it's not something I relish.

I was pleased that at my party there was another week to go before I left. I think if it had been my party & the last time I was seeing everyone it may have all been a bit much.

" I am a pwincess "

Speaking of the party. I want to thank everyone for making it such a great night. I said to Di afterwards that the very best thing about the whole night was knowing that every knock at the door was one of my friends. I can't wait to have another one when I get back !

" The coven "

A huge 'thank you' to Di for providing the venue & 48 hours of unstinting labour.

" Clever Pukka - I know what a bi metallic strip does "

Thank you to Stuart for the lovely All-Blacks top & for organising the Argos vouchers. I have over £140 worth. If any of you don't know I am using the vouchers to buy a digital camera so that I can keep you updated with lots of foties.

" Mr D."

Thank you to Angie for being able to come at the last minute & for bringing such a beautifully-behaved small person (quick, save that & print it, or people won't believe I said it) I am sure everyone who met Nicholas was just as impressed with his demeanour & manners as I was.

" The Blonde Childminder "

Thank you to Pete & Joy aka the Hersham mafia for the kind loan of loads of stuff, BBQ, gazebo, tables, alcohol, the list goes on.

Thank you to Queenie for the biggest towel that folds tiny I have ever seen & for being able to make it. I know it clashed with other arrangements & I am very gratified you & Maria were able to juggle your arrangements.

Thank you to Andy for such a lovely card, it almost made me want to come back to work, but not quite.

Likewise, Colin, & no, you can't have your lucky key back (which he picked the National winner with this year) I figure I need it more than you.

Thank you Trudy & Wendy for making my evening. Great to see you 2 boogeying & hair-shaking again. Wendy, you play a mean inflatable guitar, eat your heart out Hendrix. Trudy, you uncomplainingly spent the evening covered in white wine thanks to some old lush chucking their drink over you.

" CB & Wendy "

Thank you Lorna for arriving early & pitching in with the remaining jobs. You also get the award for best ever prepared party guest. Not only did she arrive with alcohol but dips & marinaded chicken too. What a star.

Thank you Lolly for bringing a big bike for me to play on. Hope you didn't get into trouble for being late the next day ?


Thank you Lindsay for coming to see me off & wish me well.

Thank you Barley for peeing with excitement when I said hello to you. You get the award for most excitable party guest.

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