Thursday, July 24, 2003

Hello there,

Goodness, being a parent is tough.

I was up at 1, 3 & 5am feeding.

Don't do it Justine.

V.cute tho to hear a blah-lamb's ickle feet going tippy-tap on a wooden floor.

We put him back with Mum this morning to see if she was any more interested.

As a tired onlooker I was relieved so see he got stuck into his tucker.

I like to think he is saying 'Thank You' in this one

This afternoon we lit a huge household rubbish fire.

Reminded me of that day we told each other fire stories
at work Q & laughed til we wept.

"Fire, Fire"

Police in Auckland are hunting a serial arsonist after 14 fires in 1 night
last week.

Think I should forwards this chap's description ?

It was a beauty.

"Fire is good - it is our frieeeend"

I know it's really hot in England but just look at this blue sky.


Chum is shaping up to be a feisty lad.

He fought Boy for his biscuits today & won.

And has all the makings of what they call here a really good 'eye dog'
This means a dog who can work stock just by staring at them to control them.
The other type is a 'huntaway', essentially a dog which makes a lot of
noise to drive stock ahead of them.

Here he is mesmerising a couple of lambs, note the raised forepaw, he means business.

Time for bed for me, could do with a good kip after last night.

Take care.


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