Monday, July 14, 2003

Hi folks,

Very odd day today.

Weather is overcast & cold enough to be unpleasant if you were standing around but ok if you are on the move. Just back from a hack on Ben, he is having 2 weeks worth of walking as he has ben diagnosed with an arthritic joint which is a worry at only 9.

Ben (on right) Shrinky (on left)

The family don't have much time for him as they say he is thick but I find him an amenable little chap, so much so that I hacked out in a woolly hat today (too cold to swap it for my riding hat) There are not many horses I would trust to do that but he doesn't have a malicious bone in his body.

Whilst Trish & Chris were returning from Christchurch last night I received a tel call to inform them that the 17 yr old son of one of their close family friends died yesterday in a car accident. Hence the very down-beat atmosphere today.

The plans for the week have also been knocked into a cocked hat. Chris & Trish are no longer going away Tuesday due to the funeral but are postponing their trip til Thursday which means I don't get any quiet time that I was looking forward to.

I know that may sound selfish & I apologise if it sounds harsh, maybe I just need a day off having been working for 8 days now. Chris has arranged with me to have Wednesday & Thursday off & I am collecting Roo on Wednesday so we can have 48 hours to play & explore the farm.


I am also in the bad books for taking Chum (Innes' new working puppy) for a walk this morning. Innes is away for a week so I am feeding & exercising the puppy. It seems that with a working dog you cannot let them play & gambol around your feet you have to flick your heels up smartly to catch them in the jaw to prevent them from playing around your feet.

'What the cattle thought of Chum'

The reasoning behind this is if you are working on high country & the dog trips you up it is possible to fall to your death so it's a serious fault. Chris told me in the nicest possible way & he was obviously embarrassed to have to do it but I still felt like a thick townie.

Oh well - you live & learn.

Will try & download a couple of foties of the truck at the start of Saturday's hunt & maybe add a bit more to this entry tonight when I am feeling a bit more upbeat.



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