Friday, July 04, 2003

An honourable mention for Weeny & all the folk in her office.
She reports that they dutifully said all the Kiwi words out loud as they were supposed to & enjoyed them. It tickles me to think that their day commences with a coffee & Blog.


I loved the girls & boys diary entry, it rung so true, perhaps it might be copied onto Blog for the girls to empathise & the blokes to moan about.


The suspense is killing me.
(He is waiting the results of his Chief Inspectors, they were due out on the 3rd &
it has now been put back to the 4th) If it's bad for me you must be down to your
elbows by now ?

Tango Man,

I found myself in a similar position once. The only thing that shifted it was a VERY weak solution of bleach. In future, wash them IMMEDIATELY afterwards with lots of soap.


Why did the card not get sent. I don't understand. Am I being thick ?
The bit about the friends leaving really choked me.
The rest of it made for very funny reading.
Just like a girls night in.


Not twitter & bisted, just eminently sensible & I concur.

Got to dash - vet is here.


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