Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Andy aka Fartypants

1. Favorite colour - Blue

2. Favorite movie - Green Mile

3. Favorite animal - Animal(muppets)

4. Favorite book - the Broons

5. Favorite passage from Q4A - Carol losing her phone in the cinema (quality)

6. Favorite photo - Q aka Stan eating Bone

7. Favorite smell - Fresh coffee

8. Most essential Quality in a friend - Loyalty

9. Most desirable Quality in a partner - LOYALTY

10. Most embarrasing moment - FARTING on my first day at work

11. proudest acheivement - Farting on my first day at work AND clearing the room

12.Saddest memory - my nan passing away - god bless her soul

13.Happiest memory - Hearing Carol was coming Back to work with me

14.Hero - Colin(Golden Balls)Duncan

15.Buried or Cremated?Where?Why - Buried/Scotland/To be with my Nan and Grandad,and the views

Cheers matey speak to you soon

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