Friday, April 02, 2004

Work was unremarkable.

Even the sun forgot to come out today.

NZ weather is typified by doing 'something'. There is always weather. (bing bong, Stan)
If it's not raining, it's sunny. Or windy.

Today was a grey, still day, like him upstairs forgot to flick the switch.

I wasn't spared from a b******ing, even on my last day. Bad Briggsy, in your bed !

I hung around Murray, at hometime, watching him fencing, in the way you do, when you don't want to say goodbye.

In a gesture which really surprised me, he has asked me to feed out the stock with him tomorrow morning.

We are rving at the tractor at 0800 hours. The fact that it's a day off tomorrow is neither here nor there,
I recognise the gesture for what it is & wouldn't dream of saying no.

I have developed a few really good pics for Murray & am framing them to present to him.

Another hard goodbye.

I head off tomorrow to go North & follow my nose. I anticipate being away until about the 18th or so.

I plan to drive little, walk lots & relax. It will be my decompression chamber prior to heading home
& growed-up life.

I hope you will all understand when I say I will be uncontactable during this time. I don't intend logging on
& my phone will remain turned off. For safety reasons I will let Stan know where I am each day.

It's just me & NZ with no outside distractions.

So ... I was thinking today whilst in brain turn-off mode mucking out my 6th stable.
I have written almost every day for over a year now, so I would like to ask you lot to
do a little writing for me.

The idea is that when I do log back in to Q4A, I will have something to read after my break.
We get to know each other a little better & laugh at each other's darkest secrets. Joke.

Please would you take the time to answer a few questions for me ? The invitation is extended to
everyone who reads this whether you have introduced yourself via comments or not.
That includes Brian, Tim, JR and any one else at all. If everyone takes the time, there should
be at least an entry for every day I am away.


Complete the following questions, then e-mail them to the Ed
He will then use one reply as one day's entry, so we all get our 15 minutes of fame.
If you are able to send a foty too, so much the better.

If you don't do this (I'm pleading, not threatening), Q4A will be empty for over 2 weeks.
I will also feel used & abused.

After very little thought, the questions I have come up with to get to know you all better are as follows ...

1) Favourite colour
2) Favourite movie
3) Favourite animal
4) Favourite book
5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie)
6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto)
7) Favourite smell
8) Most essential quality in a friend
9) Most desirable quality in a partner
10) Most embarrassing moment
11) Proudest achievement
12) Saddest memory
13) Happiest memory
14) Hero
15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ?

If you don't want to answer any of them, no drama, don't.
I don't mean no.s 1-7 by the way, they're obligatory.
Replies can be as long or as short as you like.
I've hogged this Blog all year, it's your shout now.

Over to you.

See you in just over 2 weeks,

take care,


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