Monday, April 12, 2004


Favourite colour - terracotta (just to be a pain)

Favourite movie - The Thomas Crown Affair (original)

Favourite animal - a mitten of course

Favourite book - Life of Pi

Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - sorry to be a copycat Q but it simply has to be the funfortunate fire incident

Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) - the mitten with the extra bits naturally

Favourite smell - fresh cut grass and baking bread

Most essential quality in a friend - sense of humour and loyalty

Most desirable quality in a partner - I have such a long list I'm not sure where to start but would probably settle for loyalty and honesty if you caught me on a good day !

Most embarassing moment - from the hundreds I could pick from it would have to be the lodger/underwear washing incident (enough said already)

Proudest achievement - not sure about this one but one of the most recent would be telling a certain someone 'to grow a spine and join the rest of us who belong to the human race'

Saddest memory - Dad's funeral

Happiest memory - thankfully I also have lots of these to choose from - being with my friend when her daughter Hope was born has to go down as one of the happiest most incredible moments of my life to date

My hero - really tough one as there are few people I admire to the point of them being my hero. Jean-Claude Van Damme - purely on the looks and body front (certainly not for personality!)

Buried or Cremated - Cremated and scattered on Box Hill. I am a great believer that once we die our bodies simply become a suit of old clothes that we no longer need - cremation somehow seems like a tidier neater way of concluding life rather than being eaten by lots of worms and bugs (euck!) Box Hill because its a place that I have found great solace and peace and have carry lots of happy memories from spending many hours dog walking and bike watching.

Happy Easter !

Tuesday 13th April
Location : Luna Café, Hahei

Yesterday evening we watched Gladiator, which is still a great movie but was spoiled on this occasion by ads every 7-10 minutes, which made the film last over 2.5 hours. We worked out that a 3rd of the time we spent watching tv, was watching the ads. Which are always the same ones. Very annoying.

The seats were pile-inducing too & for once, we were as fidgety as each other.

At bedtime it was a couple of degrees above freezing. I chattered gaily about how quickly one warms up, once inside one’s sleeping bag then proceeded to freeze my arse off, dozing fitfully until 0330.

At 0500 I awoke, feeling happier & warmer. Confusingly, only my back was warm, my front still icy. I looked over my left shoulder to see where I was, to be looking at Bloo’s chin in extreeeme close-up.

During the early hours, I had employed my Arctic survival skills & shuffled rearwards & maggot-like towards the nearest heat source, namely Bloo.

I was now faced with the task of trying to move away from him, surreptitiously, without awakening him to what I had done. I set about shuffling, as silently as one is able, encased in nylon, away from Bloo & back towards my side of the tent.

With careful questions I was able to establish that Bloo was completely unaware of what had happened, so obviously I told him anyway & we had a good laugh at my expense.

It turns out Bloo is a very amenable tent buddy, no snoring farting or sleep-walking. His table manners are beyond reproach & he always holds the door open for ladies (& me). Well done Mr & Mrs Reeves.

He is easy-going & good to talk to, knowing when to shut up (when I start to snore). It should also be noted that he knows all the lyrics to Vanilla Ice’s ‘Ice Ice Baby’. He sings these with relish at every given opportunity. Don’t try to stop him, he will only start again at the beginning.

After a lie-in we headed to the Luna Café for eggs Benedict & a long, funny catch up call from Stan.

Breakfast over, Cathedral Cove beckoned. We did the 40 minute walk to the beach, which was well worth it. Jade green water lapped in frills over baby pink sand, which upon closer scrutiny turned out to consist entirely of crushed shells.

After this, we took a drive to Captain Cook’s landing point, which was disappointing, we took photos & I paid homage to one of the world’s great Tykes.

We drove to Hot Water Beach for our appointment with the tide. There were no hot water pools. There were people standing disconsolately, shovels in hand. One man walking past us, appeared to sum up the experience,

‘Another bunch of gullible tourists suckered into paying $4 for a shovel’ he remarked.

We read & slept on the beach then our stomachs demanded we attend the Luna for the 2nd time that day. We have both just had the very good Thai Red beef curry. Bloo is reading & I am writing this entry. All is well.


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