Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Bloo Fleet via the globe

1) Favourite colour - Bloo

2) Favourite movie - Platoon, Major League, Back to the Futures, 21 Grams, Star Wars, Only fool and horses, radio, Youngblood, Escape to Victory, Shawshank Redemption, Indiana Jones, total Racall, American Pie, White men Can't jump, Last Samurai. The list goes on and on and on all depends what mood I'm in.

3) Favourite animal - Love all animals. Especially Lamb, pork and beef. Have 2 cats. Would love a dog, but don't have the time to look after it properly.

4) Favourite book - Kinda into my autobiography at the moment (MLK's and Malcolm X's were good) or anything by Bill Bryson is worth a laugh. Currently reading Terry Waites autobigraphy.

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - Regrettably I have been unable to read all of Q4A, but any bit that mentions me makes me feel very important. At least I got to talk to you in person.

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) - I think all the photos are great. Real and not set up.

7) Favourite smell - Fresh air, the New Zealand kind, not the crap we get back home.

8) Most essential quality in a friend - Being good company, talking about important issues and knowing when they are needed.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner - Trust

10) Most embarrassing moment - I don't really do embarrasment (or many other emotions), but today I managed to get my car stuck on the 90 mile beach. Does that count?

11) Proudest achievement - Getting away for a year

12) Saddest memory - My cat Domino getting run over. He was only 18 months old. Heartbreaking and very difficult to tell the ex missus, but not exactly something you can hide. She'll probably have noticed in the end.

13) Happiest memory - 1991 FA Cup Semi Final. We beat the scum 3-1 and I was there.

14) Hero - Dad, Glen Hoddle, Ossie Ardiles, Gary Mabbutt, Gary Lineker, Stan, but I don't really idolise any of them.

15) Buried or cremated ? >Where ? Why ? - Cremated, Ashes scattered at the Paxton Road End, White Hart Lane, Why not!

Wednesday 14th April
Location : Mount Maunganui

630 km

Today the B&B roadshow left Hahei bound for Mount Mauganui.

After a fuel stop during which the attendant not only re-fuelled the car for me (standard over here) she also checked the oil & water & offered to do the tyres. Now that's service.

She asked Bloo if he wanted fuel

'No, I'm just waiting for her' he said, indicating me.

'I can't get rid of him' I told the lady, '...he's everywhere I go, just following & we've never met'

I'm sure she knew I was joking, but she did advise me to 'call the cops'.

We have parked at the campsite with probably the most exciting view. We are directly at the base of the Mount, some 10 metres away from the surf. Idyllic.

'Won't it keep us awake at night ?' my intrepid companion worried.

We have separated for the 1st time in many days at the hot pools, needless to say Bloo couldn't possibly just sit in the hot water & read, so he is off in search of the internet whilst I read a book. I spent 2 & 1/2 hours soaking up the salt water. I felt fantastic when I got out.

Odd not to have someone to talk to though.

We have also booked a meal and a movie for later on this evening. I have opted for 'Monster' which I have heard good things about. Can you hear 'good things'about a lesbian serial killer ? You know what I mean.

We went to sleep quite easily, accompanied by the crashing surf.

Another great memory.


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