Thursday, April 29, 2004

"The 0752 due to arrive at Platform 2 has been cancelled due to the fact that there are far too many people packed into this godforsaken South Eastern corner of England & the infrastructure simply cannot cope with all these people who choose to live within travelling distance of London. Thank you."

Some things I saw today

Lots of wine bottles placed out for the binmen in the affluent streets of Walton.

A wire-haired Jack Russell terrier. He smiled at me.

Several posters asking for information on & offering a reward for 'Sootie'
He is a black netherland dwarf rabbit & is much loved.
Di thinks Jeffrey may have eaten him.

A pigeon nestled down, determinedly roosting amongst the anti-roosting spikes on top of the lettering which spells Ravel.
Nature will prevail.

Cocky's son Harry. When I went away he was a baby. He is a boy now.

Tony, the station officer at Kingston & the first person I saw at work today.
He greeted me with the words 'You shouldn't have come back'

Some things I thought today

I am much more comfortable with the physical contact thing. I hugged several people for the 1st time today.
They seemed surprised. And pleased. Even Creaky.

I also didn't mind that the man next to me on the train was squashed up next to me. He smelled nice, which helped.

I tried smiling at people on the platform this morning. I wanted to bring a bit of NZ to the grey day. It worked, they smiled back.

British people are stoic in the face of adversity. Every cancellation is greeted with wry smiles & gently hoisted eyebrows.

I have forgotten how to walk in heels.

Some nice things.

Everyone said how well I looked.

Most said 'Welcome back'.

Lots of friends texted 'chin up' type stuff.

I took solace from 'Invictus'. Find it & read it.

It's bedtime now, I have lots to tell but it will have to wait until tomorrow, the eyelids are drooping.

Goodnight all, good morning some.


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