Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Singapore Airport 0120 NZ time 2220 local time ; Temp 'Arse, it's hot', as a friend of mine said recently.

Feeling a bit euck as you can imagine, leaving the Tanners was v hard this morning, so I thought I'd write to
cheer myself up. Bloo - cheers for the e-mail, it made me smile. Still can't find the socks mate. Hey, guess what, the Japanese woman who sat next to me & squirted me with her milk instead of putting it in her tea, changed her menu choice when she saw what I was having, so you're not the only one :)

With Bloo's permission, (or without really, it's all the same to me) I am going to share the following nuggets with you from our road-trip. They are just too good to keep to myself.


1. 'I'm a miserable t**t'. Bloo describes his USP

2. 'That's a bit s**t, that is.' Bloo feels strongly that something is not good.

3. Briggsy ; 'Once you were married, how, if at all, did your relationship change ?'
Bloo ; 'Who with ?'

4. Bloo (to Briggsy) Whilst encouraging the latter with a story 'Carry on, you couldn't depress me any more'

5. 'I struggle with a fat arse' (in his women, I feel obliged to point out)

6. 'I thought you would be funnier' In response to Briggsy's question, 'what did you expect of me after reading Q4A ?'

7. 'Which would you rather ; go out with someone who has been married, or someone with one leg ?'
Another of our deep conversations.

Taken in isolation, these may sound a bit odd, untrue even. I promise you they are not. Sorry for picking on you Bloo but remember that disclaimer I made you sign at the beginning o f the trip ?

Bill, thank you sooo much for keeping me calm at Auckland airport. What a brick. I can truthfully report I have never been such a spas at an airport before. Ever. Honest. You even kept calm when I had to unpack luggage & rearrange it to get around their silly weight restrictions. You really are a proper growed-up & everything. We are in agreement that taking only 7kgs of hand-luggage sucks when you end up sitting next to a swamp-donkey who carries that on each hip.

Ok, I'll cut down on the hand-luggage if they submit to fat-removal. In the queue.

Well, that's it for now, I need to go find a cold drink before I pass out.

I will end by saying, if you are ever coming out to NZ, I cannot recommend Singapore Airlines highly enough.

They may not be as exciting as travelling in a Hercules but the crew are much better looking.

The women are gorgeous & nothing is too much trouble.


due to a technical hitch in my collection arrangements it looks like I will be staying with the Big Guy (for 24 hours at least) stick the kettle on love,


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