Monday, April 19, 2004

Here is the one Viggo wanted - I give you Mummie

1) Favourite colour - Blue -of the darker hues. Royal Blue , old and new Subaru blue, Electric Blue and Midnight Blue.

2) Favourite movie - Cannot split Dr Zchivago and Schindler's List

3) Favourite animal - Tara, who unfortunately developed painful joints and I had to have her put to sleep, she was twelve years old. Then Sophie and Pendle all three were black labradors. That's the doddies. Tigger a tortoiseshell cat who I know Carol will agree was one of a kind. Then Hazel and Clancy who are brother and sister. These two have been exceptional company and make my house a home. Snow Leopards, Lynx, Tigers, Black Panthers and finally Indian Jungle Cats. There are not may photographs of these magnificent cats, but if you get to see a foto you will then see where all tabbies come from. The Gorilla- I have spent hours at Blackpool Zoo watching the silver back. Now that is awesome.

4) Favourite book- Hiroshima by John Hersey.
Anyone who likes to read futuristic books please read this book, others will pale into insignificance. Obviously it is a very gruesome narrative, but also shows the indomitable human spirit. I've tried to find one line to encapsulate the whole book. ?There, in the tin factory , in the first moment of the atomic age, a human being was crushed by books.?

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - The myopic gerbil episoide. It took me several attempts to even read this because I was shedding copious amounts of laughter tears. I know it's a huge chunk but I think well worth re-reading. Stan, would you please enter the myopic gerbil. I am having difficulty getting it to this document.

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto)- The author looking pensively into the distance.
I will attempt to send this stan,but if not I think you will know the one I mean.

7) Favourite smell- Kittens, puppies and babies. Clinique's Aromatic, strike side of a box of matches. Wood floorboards from a woollen mill.

8) Most essential quality in a friend- Knowing our weaknesses and loving us anyway.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner- Knowing that someone wants to be with you through the bad as well as the good times.

10) Most embarrassing moment- In view of the relationship between author and myself. No way !!!!

11) Proudest achievement - Physical ? climbing Scafell Pike the highest mountain in England - I've had a lamenectomy (disc removal) so find climbing hard, plus it does not help that I'm terrified of heights. Mental ? Mensa examination. Time-wise was really rigorous and you could not turn back to the previous page or go forwards. You were timed to the second on every section. Emotional ? the birth of my two children. I am so chuffed that I brought these two wonderful people into this world.

12) Saddest memory- Divorcing my husband

13) Happiest memory- Marrying him.

14) Hero- The author has been my hero for many years. Her judgement on certain matters is second to none. On a trivial note Steve Mcqueen comes a close second, followed by Tom Cruise and Aragorn, he who by the end of May will be King.

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ?- I would have to say cremated, but I have a Maltese friend who has all her relatives buried and I found the fact that she could visit everyone and have a chat quite moving and strangely reassuring.

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