Friday, April 09, 2004

Andy Howard ( San Angelo , Texas )

1) Favourite colour - blue (light variety, obviously)

2) Favourite movie - West Side Story

3) Favourite animal - Cat

4) Favourite book - Duncton Wood

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) And as the sun set over the wooded hills he turned to her and kissed her.

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto)

The one of the cottage

7) Favourite smell - caramel

8) Most essential quality in a friend - understanding

9) Most desirable quality in a partner - loyalty

10) Most embarrassing moment - probably hasn't happened yet

11) Proudest achievement - gaining my commission

12) Saddest memory - a relative's death

13) Happiest memory - 2 lovely girls (though the lady helped a bit with that)

14) Hero - my grandad

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ? buried/probably underground/so I can feed the worms

Andy H

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