Thursday, April 29, 2004

"The 0752 due to arrive at Platform 2 has been cancelled due to the fact that there are far too many people packed into this godforsaken South Eastern corner of England & the infrastructure simply cannot cope with all these people who choose to live within travelling distance of London. Thank you."

Some things I saw today

Lots of wine bottles placed out for the binmen in the affluent streets of Walton.

A wire-haired Jack Russell terrier. He smiled at me.

Several posters asking for information on & offering a reward for 'Sootie'
He is a black netherland dwarf rabbit & is much loved.
Di thinks Jeffrey may have eaten him.

A pigeon nestled down, determinedly roosting amongst the anti-roosting spikes on top of the lettering which spells Ravel.
Nature will prevail.

Cocky's son Harry. When I went away he was a baby. He is a boy now.

Tony, the station officer at Kingston & the first person I saw at work today.
He greeted me with the words 'You shouldn't have come back'

Some things I thought today

I am much more comfortable with the physical contact thing. I hugged several people for the 1st time today.
They seemed surprised. And pleased. Even Creaky.

I also didn't mind that the man next to me on the train was squashed up next to me. He smelled nice, which helped.

I tried smiling at people on the platform this morning. I wanted to bring a bit of NZ to the grey day. It worked, they smiled back.

British people are stoic in the face of adversity. Every cancellation is greeted with wry smiles & gently hoisted eyebrows.

I have forgotten how to walk in heels.

Some nice things.

Everyone said how well I looked.

Most said 'Welcome back'.

Lots of friends texted 'chin up' type stuff.

I took solace from 'Invictus'. Find it & read it.

It's bedtime now, I have lots to tell but it will have to wait until tomorrow, the eyelids are drooping.

Goodnight all, good morning some.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Ok, quick straw poll, look at the picture on today's Blog (don't remove it please Stan)
& tell me what you see ? (bottom left)

That's it,


Warning. Not a fluffy bunny story but a rant, if you want fluffy bunnies, today is not for you.

One of the best things about getting away from the Met(ropolitan Police) was escaping the insidious comments
about & perpetual interest in everyone's personal lives, & in particular their love lives.

I know it must go on in every large organisation & in small ones too I guess, but for a year I have felt free of it.

Yesterday was a jolt of reality.

A friend repeated a rumour which has apparently been circulating about me since I left. The rumour is untrue,
I wish it was true, it sounds like I had a great night. (note, use of deflecting humour).

The friend told me the story with the best possible motives, ie. to ensure I heard about it from them, rather than a malicious source.

Here's the thing. When I left the UK, I felt emotionally raw, like I was missing several layers of skin.
That feeling is very easy to re-call.
People who I didn't consider friends were continually asking whether or not I had broken-up
with my boyfriend. I felt very vulnerable & knew I couldn't discuss the situation without becoming upset at work.
I categorically lied & said we hadn't separated because I am an intensely private person & thought it was
none of my work colleagues' business. Note ; work colleagues, not friends at work.

I have no problem with the fact that I lied to people to save having to discuss my personal life with them.
The other option was to tell them I didn't think it any of their business. Perhaps I should have done that.

My time away was very good for me emotionally, my outer layers are intact again.

I suspect I will tell anyone who feels brave enough to be nosey about things which don't concern them
to mind their own business.

It has got me to thinking though about an aspect of life here which has shocked & dismayed me & which I didn't
realise was the case before I went away. It's the complete obsession that the media have with other people's lives.
Today, I started to watch 'This Morning' & turned off after about 20 minutes. I like both hosts & I have watched this
programme quite happily on & off for quite a few years BNZ.

It appears to me now, to be obsessed with how people look, how much they weigh & whether or not Angelina & Brad
are having an affair. I would by the way (in both cases). Seriously though, I feel quite repulsed by this shallow,
voyeuristic interest in other people. The media frenzy surrounding the Beckhams is a case in point.

I confess, when I heard the story, I was interested & a bit sad because I liked to believe that they were happily
married. What makes my stomach churn is the way the press over here are gloating & saying it's her fault because
'she left him alone & what can she expect ?'. Nauseating. I know the Beckhams have courted publicity but this gleeful
savaging of another human being is repulsive.

The End


So much for being calm, like Linda. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

It's good to talk ...

Today I have a hot right ear.

Conversations with all of Cedar Lodge, bar Eric who 'got bored' waiting for Bloo to finish & went for a shower.

Then Cocky, chillled as ever, despite being in the middle of a house move. With a bad back. Doing shifts. And
a hyper child. And a dog. And a horse. Oh yes and a husband. Linda, I aspire to your calmness.

Then Turbo, Stu & Stan. Oh & MSN with Bloo & Darsha. (& Stan again)

Almost as if people are checking up on me.

Today, I can see the carpet in my room. Remember those toys which if you tilted them for long enough
in different directions,all the tiny ball-bearings would sit in holes around the edges ? That's how my room
looks. As if a large person has gently shaken all the contents until they stuck to the walls.

I packed lots of things away in the loft to make more space & decided that work clothes aside, if I have
done without certain clothes for a year, I can do without them permanently. I will visit the charity
shop to see if they think beige is in high demand. I like green now.

On which point, Di showed me her holiday clothes yesterday. In a share-and-share alike moment, I showed
her 2 of the 'surprisingly girly' tops I bought in NZ.

'They're beautiful' she said, 'especially this one...' pointing to the asymetric, black & white sheer swirly one
I am wearing in the 'gwapple me gwapenuts' foto.

'Who went with you to choose it ... ?'


I found a pair of sunglasses in the loft today, which I bought BNZ planning on taking them with me.
I obviously forgot them but have decided to wear them lots for the next few weeks.
They are pink. Rose-tinted some might say.

It has poured it down all afternoon today. Very cold, inhospitable rain.

I think it looks worse here because rain on pavements just looks worse than rain on paddocks.


ps. Thanks for all the 'you'll be ok at work messages'. The one that made me laugh most was
'you'll be crap for quite a while, don't worry, I never do'

Monday, April 26, 2004

Ch ch ch changes ....

I don't know who you sent your deep tx conversation to Stan, but it wasn't me.

Bing bong.

And I'm not absent, just in Hersham.

Michelle offered me some wise words today about re-adjusting to life back in the UK.

She pointed out that my glowing references to NZ may appear like a criticism of the lives people have here in the UK.

I really don't intend to sound that way.

If that's how I come across when we meet up, please do one of the following ;

either nod whilst inwardly naming the 1991 Crystal Palace squad or tell me to shut up cos I'm boring you.

I'll be impressed if you can manage the 1st (Chris Coleman always catches me out) & I will no doubt sulk
if you do the second, but I'll toughen up, I am sure.

Thing is, there's still lots of things about England I love ( I will name some of them later) it's just that in NZ I discovered a lifestyle which really appeals to me. I hope to feel more settled soon, for the time being I am suffering culture shock so I ask you again, be patient. Thank you.

Yesterday Angie picked me up from Stan's in Woking & dropped me off at Di's. It was lovely to see Ange again, instant rapport, like the year hadn't happened. As always, she looked effortlessly glam & made me feel distinctly scruffy.

(strains of Coronation Street coming from the front room - is Rich a fan ?)

We had hardly caught up on any news before we were in Hersham where I was greeted with a huge hug by Di. If you have done your homework, you will know that Di looked after me before I came to NZ, a time which will henceforth be referred to as 'BNZ'.

As I took all my bags up to my room & filled her in on some of my news she remarked that it felt like I hadn't been away.

I forgive her for the fact that my room hasn't yet been decorated because I have a lovely, comfy double bed
all to myself, rather than the sofa-bed I had BNZ. We did the tour of the house & made all the requisite ooh & aah
noises at the decorating. The front toom in particular, is gorgeous. Very clean & stylish. I am afraid to sit in there.

We retired to the back garden to offer helpful hints to Rich (Di's other half) who was manfully struggling to
assemble a gas bbq. As ever, there were numerous screws left over at the end of the operation & I was
reminded of a story I heard recently, in which it was related that students who have summer jobs at Ikea
chuck extra screws in with every schlumfermg or bookcase, as we call them, just to mess with people's 'fragile
little minds' (copyright Cartman.)

We enjoyed a very tasty bbq & I wondered why I was so hungry, then realised that in the last 5 days I had simply
neglected to eat. Between Wednesday & Sunday, I had eaten 2 choclatines, a toffee muffin, a cheese & onion
toasted sandwich & some shepherds pie. Good diet. I call it the starcharama.

I retired at about 2300, hoping for once, since my flight, to sleep beyond 0500 the next morning.
As I dozed off, I listened to Radio 4 (jealous, The Tanners ?) My repose was short-lived though &
at 0130 I was wide awake.

I thought I might be pushing my luck with my hosts if I woke them both up on my 1st night by asking if
they wanted a cup of tea & a chat, so I snuggled back down & concentrated on the radio to avoid
the brain-race I have inevitably been experiencing in the early hours. 'Inevitably been' or 'been inevitably' ?
Is one of those a split infinitive ? S0d it ! I can't remember. Mu-um, help !

I awoke the second time at 0330 when Taloolah asked if she could come in ? I told her not to be shy & said I
remembered her when she was only this big. (Taloolah is one of Di's moggies, the other being Jeffrey, or 'effwee hairwet' if you were paying attention to Di's profile)

We went to sleep for a 3rd time until 0630, at which point I gave up & made coffee.

After breakfast & a shower, Di & I headed out to Safeways. I was in for a huge shock at the supermarket.
I had to ... pack my own bags. The assistant didn't ask what I had planned for the day either, moody cow.
Di said she wouldn't like someone packing her bags for her & would have done it herself. I explained that she
would really hurt the person's feelings if she did that & would soon get used to proper service, as I did.

The tenses in that paragraph are all over the place, forgive me, I'm too knackered to sort it out.

This afternoon, Di & Rich went to work whilst I lit huge fires. Only joking Di.

What I really did, was to haul my work-clothes down from the loft. I am very impressed with how l had packed
them away. Just like a growed-up. 3 loads of washing later & then I went & played dress-up, astonished
at the smart person in the mirror. Odd isn't it, I remember packing all my smart clothes & high heels with
glee, happy at the prospect of dressing in sweats for work for a year ?

Today, I looked at the clothes & thought how nice it will be to look smart again. Give me a week.

My bedroom resembles a bring & buy sale at the moment & I am struggling to find room for everything. Later this
evening, I plan to go into the loft again & pack away the clothes I won't need for the next 4 weeks to make
a little more space. I did try the loft earlier today, but with the surprisingly warm weather (thanks for organising
it in time for my return everyone), the loft was a sweat-box & I couldn't face being in there for more than 5 minutes.

I am very nervous about returning to work on Thursday. It's partly because I am unsure of the reaction I will
receive & partly because I used to consider myself good at my job. I had to correct that last line because I had typed
that I was 'god' at my job. The point being, that after 10 years of working in a Control Room as an operator, I had
studied for & taken promotion to become a civilian controller. I had done this & enjoyed it for just under a year
when I came away. I have a lurking dread that the 1st time someone calls for 'urgent assistance' I'll react
by assuming the crash position.

Please let Colin be in the cad room. Please let Colin be in the cad room. Please let Colin be in the cad room.

Well, it's 2100 now & I have just spent the last 30 minutes on the fone with Stu. Good, funny, catch-up call.
Just what I needed. The prospect of the loft is entirely unappealing so I am going to retire with a cup of tea
& an Alan Bennett talking book.

Before I go, some things I have enjoyed about being back (quick, pinch yourself & re-read that last bit )

Radio 4.
Barley, Foggy & Sprocket.
The sound of wood pigeons.
Seeing what fine young adults the kids at Leith Hill are becoming.
Spring flowering shrubs, in particular wisteria, ceanothus & lilac.
Boots (the shop, not the footwear.) Although if they're steel toe-capped (don't get me started...)

I was going to finish with some complaints about the UK, but I think I'll quit whilst I'm ahead.

Goodnight all,


Hello it is me here , no not the writer , the editor.

Some time not that long ago , whilst travelling into the gloom that is London , I shared a deep text conversation with her , if there is such a thing , I decided to share these with her.
It reminds me of Zealand.

And I think they are apt , whilst Cx is absent

Into the West

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
Night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across a distant shore

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms
You're only sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All Souls pass

Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don't say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the West"

Thank you viewers

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Bloo, couldn't abuse you via comments today, so with apologies to an unsuspecting public, it has to be this I'm afraid

Crack. Kick the habit


These 2 are for you, these are the 2nd batch of kitties that the feral mum produced at the Stud,

I nearly stepped on these ...

And I actually turned around, stopped & parked to get this one for you ...

I'm a little wary of writing how I'm feeling, seems I might be alienating people, so, if you have a spare minute or 2,
go back to the 4th April onwards & check out the pretty pictures.

After only 1 year, I am able to, drumroll please, insert them myself.
I would like you to look & say 'oooh' & 'aaah'


ps. Bloo, turns out the comments were working after all & I could abuse you. Oh well, the foto's a bonus then.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Today I saw this


& this


and these

They helped.


Friday, April 23, 2004

Happy St George's Day, Hadders.

Dreaming of Zealand - edited by Stan

It's 0500 in the morning . I awoke at 0430 with a start, wondering where the hell I was.

So, I have been padding around Stan's, filling in the time til he gets back from nights & can show me ONCE AGAIN, how to download my pics to photobucket. The pooter keeps telling me I am an invalid. Like I didn't know.

I have put some of Stan's upbeat, ambient stuff on to accompany me. I am drinking a cup of Yorkshire tea, thanks for buying the t-bags specially.

Watched Tomb Raider last night. Dreadful isn't it ? But Angelina Jolie must make men everywhere wish they were those hotpants.
And those breasts. More like missiles really.

So, I have been stalking those in NZ, come on Bloo, where's your Thursday entry, I want to hear all about it.

Did I explain that you are not allowed to make any more friends now ?

Did you win anything at the trots ? Did anyone die ? Did you queue for chips & upset the relative of the deceased ?

Whilst MSN'ing Di (aka Marilyn) last night, she disclosed that she had washed & aired my d'gown & bedding so that when I head over Hersham way, they will smell nice. What a honey.

I wanted to tell you about my goodbye with Watties & was a bit rushed to do the entry justice on the day.

I had gone to Trelawney to pack & say my farewells to the humans.

I offered my hand to Murray who said 'Is that all I get ?' & proceeded to give me a bear hug, a kiss & a squeeze of my cheek (facial).
He has insisted I go & say hello when I return for a hol in November.

Hadleigh (k9) was dancing at my feet, desperate to be noticed, as I had not seen him for 2 weeks whilst away camping.

I borrowed the ute & headed down to the paddock to find Watties.

She was dozing, upright, when I entered. One of the fillies she is with is Stormy Alley, who, like Watties was sold at Karaka &
awaits transfer to her new home.

As I cuddled Watties I explained that I wouldn't see her again & that now she had to be a brave bunny & go & earn her money racing.

I really hope she does make it as a racehorse or in some other sports discipline. I think brood mares have a pretty rough time of it, pregnant all but some 10 days of the year, every year must be knackering. Not to mention the frequent arm up your nether regions, checking the progress of the pregnancy.

The feet of the brood mares are allowed to get into a pretty shocking state too, lots of them unable to walk soundly. I stress this is only what I have seen at Trelawney, I don't know if it's commonplace in studs in general.

Whilst I was having loves with Watties, Stormy came over to investigate. Most of the horses will approach a person who comes to the paddock, if only from a curiosity point of view. Watties wasted no time in laying her ears back & warning Stormy that this ws 'her human' & she could go find her own.

She is unrecognisable from the sleek, shiny animal I prepared for Karaka in January. She has filled out & resembles a hairy hearth rug now that her coat has been allowed to grow, rather than being curried off every day. You may remember, Watties was the filly who sliced the back of her nearside foreleg open & was confined for some weeks. Her leg has healed remarkably well, leaving no proud flesh & just a tiny patch of scab with no hair on it.

She walks freely upon the leg & I keep everything crossed that it will not impede her running. Once she has been allocated a race name, I will be able to watch her progress on the internet.

The Easter horses who were sold at Sydney made very good money. The filly I prepared making the most at $670,000.
It was an unexpectedly good price, as our Zabeel filly, Carmel Valley was expected to be our top money-maker.
One of the reasons Procure sold so well, was because her sire is Stravinsky who is particularly
in demand at the moment. Another of his progeny, a colt called out of Sneetch was our Karaka draft sale topper, making $300,000.

Despite this, I did feel it was vindication that I had done something right with her. For the last 3 weeks I was at Trelawney, I was only
allowed to groom this filly as my boss informed me (via a 3rd party, obviously) that he didn't think my currying was up to scratch.
Don't know how I got these biceps then, must have been lifting too many cups of tea ?

I need to get out & do some exercise, I feel very lethargic & stagnant. Now that my foot is improving (thanks for asking Bloo) I
think I will take up running. I would like to keep the level of fitness I have at the minute but am aware it won't last as soon
as I start spending my days parked on my ar$e.

That's enough meanderings for now, going to e-mail Stu & ask when we can catch up.

I am DESPERATE to see Barley.

Watch this space for fotos of the mad spangle.


Speaking of which, I ought to try photobucket again :(

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Back ...

This will probably show as Stan's posting cos I'm on his pooter but it's me - Briggsy.

Stan says I have to start a new Blog now I'm back, can't be bothered with that this evening tho.

What a bizarre last 40 or so hours & only 2 10 minute naps during the whole time.

If I have spoken to you today on the phone/in person & you thought I sounded 'odd', please accept my
apologies, it's exactly how I'm feelling.

My collection plans went a bit awry this morning & I was faced with the prospect of having to load my stuff onto a train/bus.

Huge thanks to Stan, Angie, Trudes, Weeny & finally Turbo who went above & beyond the call of duty, attending from Southampton. He even bought a gorgeous new blue BMW coupe especially for the occasion. Not really, I think he had it before but it was a lovely, unexpected treat (even tho the case had to be put in the boot with a crow bar)

Lots of people offered lifts but, as is the Law of Sod, most of the texts arrived after I was collected, due the signal backlog. Thank you everyone who offered. Much appreciated.

Had a lazy day with Stan, Turbo taking over the baby-sitting once the Big Guy went to bed (he is nights).

I met MTM today. He arrived, unexpectedly, looking very tired after T-bird type stuff, dressed head to toe in black
& bearing a box of ... what else ?
Very surreal. Especially the fact that he knows my shoe size & I know v.little of him.
Another Dukie met, OBA will be a reunion for me too at this rate.

The Uk I looked at from the plane today looked overcrowded, over-developed & bleak.

In close-up it looked dirty & I found the bustling crowds at Heathrow abhorrent.

The accents sound odd on tv.

I feel very isolated, depressed & peculiar. Life here has carried on regardless of my absence & I feel
no part of it.

Looking forward to feeling happier.

A neddy will help, will e-mail Cocky & find out when I can see her at the yard & put my arms around a gee.

For now, plan to ring my Mum & e-mail Bloo to abuse him to cheer myself up.

Got your message Ange, will catch up with you tomorrow.


Newsflash ! All is not lost, Paxo on Newsnight. Decent tv news coverage. Good stuff.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Singapore Airport 0120 NZ time 2220 local time ; Temp 'Arse, it's hot', as a friend of mine said recently.

Feeling a bit euck as you can imagine, leaving the Tanners was v hard this morning, so I thought I'd write to
cheer myself up. Bloo - cheers for the e-mail, it made me smile. Still can't find the socks mate. Hey, guess what, the Japanese woman who sat next to me & squirted me with her milk instead of putting it in her tea, changed her menu choice when she saw what I was having, so you're not the only one :)

With Bloo's permission, (or without really, it's all the same to me) I am going to share the following nuggets with you from our road-trip. They are just too good to keep to myself.


1. 'I'm a miserable t**t'. Bloo describes his USP

2. 'That's a bit s**t, that is.' Bloo feels strongly that something is not good.

3. Briggsy ; 'Once you were married, how, if at all, did your relationship change ?'
Bloo ; 'Who with ?'

4. Bloo (to Briggsy) Whilst encouraging the latter with a story 'Carry on, you couldn't depress me any more'

5. 'I struggle with a fat arse' (in his women, I feel obliged to point out)

6. 'I thought you would be funnier' In response to Briggsy's question, 'what did you expect of me after reading Q4A ?'

7. 'Which would you rather ; go out with someone who has been married, or someone with one leg ?'
Another of our deep conversations.

Taken in isolation, these may sound a bit odd, untrue even. I promise you they are not. Sorry for picking on you Bloo but remember that disclaimer I made you sign at the beginning o f the trip ?

Bill, thank you sooo much for keeping me calm at Auckland airport. What a brick. I can truthfully report I have never been such a spas at an airport before. Ever. Honest. You even kept calm when I had to unpack luggage & rearrange it to get around their silly weight restrictions. You really are a proper growed-up & everything. We are in agreement that taking only 7kgs of hand-luggage sucks when you end up sitting next to a swamp-donkey who carries that on each hip.

Ok, I'll cut down on the hand-luggage if they submit to fat-removal. In the queue.

Well, that's it for now, I need to go find a cold drink before I pass out.

I will end by saying, if you are ever coming out to NZ, I cannot recommend Singapore Airlines highly enough.

They may not be as exciting as travelling in a Hercules but the crew are much better looking.

The women are gorgeous & nothing is too much trouble.


due to a technical hitch in my collection arrangements it looks like I will be staying with the Big Guy (for 24 hours at least) stick the kettle on love,


Andy aka Fartypants

1. Favorite colour - Blue

2. Favorite movie - Green Mile

3. Favorite animal - Animal(muppets)

4. Favorite book - the Broons

5. Favorite passage from Q4A - Carol losing her phone in the cinema (quality)

6. Favorite photo - Q aka Stan eating Bone

7. Favorite smell - Fresh coffee

8. Most essential Quality in a friend - Loyalty

9. Most desirable Quality in a partner - LOYALTY

10. Most embarrasing moment - FARTING on my first day at work

11. proudest acheivement - Farting on my first day at work AND clearing the room

12.Saddest memory - my nan passing away - god bless her soul

13.Happiest memory - Hearing Carol was coming Back to work with me

14.Hero - Colin(Golden Balls)Duncan

15.Buried or Cremated?Where?Why - Buried/Scotland/To be with my Nan and Grandad,and the views

Cheers matey speak to you soon

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Good Evening,

'If you're going to be miserable all evening you can go to bed now'

was how Michelle thought it best to jolly me along tonight.

I don't blame her, I have found today very hard work & I am struggling to pretend.

Today I packed up the remainder of my things at the Stud, said good bye to Murray, Watties & everyone else, cleaned & vacuumed Bill's car & went for my first horse-ride in 8 months. Flippin' eck it was scary, aren't horses a long way up ? I was also treated to a growed-up lunch with Michelle in Cambridge.

I leave at 0730 tomorrow morning, headed for Auckland airport, via Auckland nick to drop the car off.

I am on auto-pilot. This is not really happening to me. I will wake up soon.

I ask you to bear with me when I return, I suspect some of you may find me a bit odd & distracted. It feels like leaving someone I love.

I will use an excerpt of a recent e-mail to me, which explains, better than I can, how I feel about the end of my time in NZ. I am pretty sure they won't mind.

... Very few people are going to get it when you come back. Probably. What you've been doing and how important it has been to you. In my experience there is sincere interest for about five minutes, polite interest for another five minutes, and then everyone gets back to talking about Eastenders or Coronation Street. I'm not talking about your close family or best friends here, just 'people you know'.

This is what concerns me. Not from you lot reading this, because you know what I've done, what it means & how I feel. It's just, I can imagine someone saying 'So how was NZ ?' I'll say 'great' & then they'll ask me for a namecheck.

So, if I struggle to fit in properly for a little while, please bear with me.

I thank you.


Monday, April 19, 2004

Here is the one Viggo wanted - I give you Mummie

1) Favourite colour - Blue -of the darker hues. Royal Blue , old and new Subaru blue, Electric Blue and Midnight Blue.

2) Favourite movie - Cannot split Dr Zchivago and Schindler's List

3) Favourite animal - Tara, who unfortunately developed painful joints and I had to have her put to sleep, she was twelve years old. Then Sophie and Pendle all three were black labradors. That's the doddies. Tigger a tortoiseshell cat who I know Carol will agree was one of a kind. Then Hazel and Clancy who are brother and sister. These two have been exceptional company and make my house a home. Snow Leopards, Lynx, Tigers, Black Panthers and finally Indian Jungle Cats. There are not may photographs of these magnificent cats, but if you get to see a foto you will then see where all tabbies come from. The Gorilla- I have spent hours at Blackpool Zoo watching the silver back. Now that is awesome.

4) Favourite book- Hiroshima by John Hersey.
Anyone who likes to read futuristic books please read this book, others will pale into insignificance. Obviously it is a very gruesome narrative, but also shows the indomitable human spirit. I've tried to find one line to encapsulate the whole book. ?There, in the tin factory , in the first moment of the atomic age, a human being was crushed by books.?

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - The myopic gerbil episoide. It took me several attempts to even read this because I was shedding copious amounts of laughter tears. I know it's a huge chunk but I think well worth re-reading. Stan, would you please enter the myopic gerbil. I am having difficulty getting it to this document.

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto)- The author looking pensively into the distance.
I will attempt to send this stan,but if not I think you will know the one I mean.

7) Favourite smell- Kittens, puppies and babies. Clinique's Aromatic, strike side of a box of matches. Wood floorboards from a woollen mill.

8) Most essential quality in a friend- Knowing our weaknesses and loving us anyway.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner- Knowing that someone wants to be with you through the bad as well as the good times.

10) Most embarrassing moment- In view of the relationship between author and myself. No way !!!!

11) Proudest achievement - Physical ? climbing Scafell Pike the highest mountain in England - I've had a lamenectomy (disc removal) so find climbing hard, plus it does not help that I'm terrified of heights. Mental ? Mensa examination. Time-wise was really rigorous and you could not turn back to the previous page or go forwards. You were timed to the second on every section. Emotional ? the birth of my two children. I am so chuffed that I brought these two wonderful people into this world.

12) Saddest memory- Divorcing my husband

13) Happiest memory- Marrying him.

14) Hero- The author has been my hero for many years. Her judgement on certain matters is second to none. On a trivial note Steve Mcqueen comes a close second, followed by Tom Cruise and Aragorn, he who by the end of May will be King.

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ?- I would have to say cremated, but I have a Maltese friend who has all her relatives buried and I found the fact that she could visit everyone and have a chat quite moving and strangely reassuring.

The results from DI of Surrey.

1)Favourite colour
Black – there’s precious little else a girl should have in her wardrobe but I have just bought the most fabulous pair of shoes in a turquoise/green colour because it was soooo pretty so that colour is good too!

2)Favourite movie
This is very hard. I will have to say Breakfast at Tiffanys firstly because it is a simply fabulous film darling but also because it reminds me of my friend Fiona. But I also like the majority of chick flicks such as Love Actually, Grease, Dirty Dancing. Anything you can day dream / cry to.

3)Favourite animal

Effweeeeeeeeeeeee Hairwet

Jeffrey otherwise known as Effweeeeeeeeeeeee Hairwet (plse curl your tounge in your lower gum and use very high pitched baby voice!) and Taloolah otherwise known as AAAAAA ooooooooo aaaaah or doodle pops (softly does it and take ya time) And one day 1 x GSD called Bert and a Vimarana called Ernie


4) Favourite book
anything by James Patterson

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie)
Im with queenie – the fire brigade one made me laugh out loud, as did the running round in circles bit – v v v v v funny!

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto)
Any that involved baby hanimals or piccis of Carol on tractors/combine harvesters – how can a girl be sooo girly sensitive and such a tomboy?

7) Favourite smell
Crawling under clean bed sheets that have been hung out on the line on a hot summers day Lillies Expensive Fragranced candles - such a luxury Clean men when they have just stepped out the shower

8) Most essential quality in a friend
Doing anything for your friends without question just because it’s a nice thing to do

9) Most desirable quality in a partner
Doing anything for your better half without question (and smelling nice!)

10) Most embarrassing moment
How long have you got ???????????????? There are TOOOOO many to mention and I don’t know you well enough!

11) Proudest achievement (To date!)

9/11 Team

9/11 - Being asked to be and becoming a God mummy (if you can see the picture look at that chubby ickle face – soooooo cute!)


12) Saddest memory
My nanny dying. I am not particularly religious but I went to church when I found out and got turned away being told it was shut! Makes me well up EVEREEEY time…….

9/11 – bin back – paid my respects – makes me well up EVEREEEY time

13) Happiest memory

FI NYC 2004

My most recent ones are my 30th birthday, visiting Fi in NYC, there are numerous others …………..

14) Hero(ine)
Mrs Joy Ruse – known to some of you as mutha of Hersham mafia (my close friends know why - nuff said!)

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ?
Where – dunno haven’t found my ‘spot’ yet – perhaps over the sea as I’ve always
been a bit of a water baby
Why – cos I want you to all get it over and done with quick and have a BIG party
Not buried cos I hate the very unrealistic but a gazillion to one chance that I
may not be dead! Yuk!


Sunday, April 18, 2004

Mon 19th Apr 0845

Yesterday reminded me what good fun it is living at Cedar Lodge.

After the obligatory cooked breakfast the day was spent in time-honoured fashion, grazing, blogging, drinking tea & people-watching.

Michelle toiled to excess in the veg plot. She is suffering from arthritis in one arm, making movement restricted & painful. So what better form of physio than to dig a leek bed ?

Bloo was roped in to help & it was odd to see him doing ‘The Good Life’. He confessed he had ‘not a clue’ what he was doing & had soon press-ganged the 3 kids (Ashleigh is here visiting) into a game of football.

‘How long can it possibly take to get ready for a game of football ?’ he asked as all 3 girls struggled to find, shoes, socks & all the bits necessary to play football.

A word of advice if you’re female & Bloo invites you to play football. Don’t.

Within half an hour, Ashleigh was back in the house being force-fed Rescue Remedy by a very concerned Alice. Ashleigh has spent the rest of the day hopping. Bloo’s story ? ‘I was nowhere near her when it happened’.
Eat your heart out Razor Ruddock.

Once dinner was under way & Michelle could be persuaded from her veg plot, we retired to the back paddock for clay shooting.

Everyone shot well & Bloo thrust his left leg up to the knee in filthy ditch water when we were retrieving the intact clays. He said he did it deliberately to make me feel better about my rafting dismount. His goodwill didn’t stretch to remaining in situe for the Kodak moment.

I showed him the site of the fire. He seemed suitably impressed with the scorch marks & we did a little re-enactment of how far it is from the trough to the seat of the blaze.

We discussed how lots of people have picked the fire as their favourite Q4A moment & came to the conclusion; there is nothing more amusing than someone else’s misery.

At dusk, we propped ourselves over the pigsty & watched Harriette tormenting the pigs. It was wonderfully quiet & Bloo remarked that he could see how very satisfying The Tanner’s life choice appeared to be.
He also understood how hard it was going to be for me to leave them.

In the evening the grown-ups listened to War of the Worlds. The kids retired to bed, scared after listening for a coupe of minutes. Even Harriette who was desperate to do what the grown-ups were doing, couldn’t listen beyond the lid of the 1st capsule dropping off.

Everyone retired to bed & I called my Gran to wish her Happy Birthday. (89 by the way)

At the end of a very pleasant day, I was to fall asleep in the cottage, which looks prettier than ever, snuggled under freshly washed bed linen, whilst listening to a Dick Francis talking book. Pretty perfect.


The results from Hadders in the UK area.

1) Favourite colour - Royal blue.

2) Favourite movie - The sixth sense.

3) Favourite animal - Brown lab, springer spaniel and horses.

4) Favourite book - 1984 and any thing from Jack Higgins.

5 Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - Fire service attending to the new Tolworth arsonist suspect, (briggs you know what im talking about).

6) Favourite photo from Q4A - Briggs and my namesake in the truck.

7) Favourite smell - Fresh laundry and dewberry.

8) Most essential quality in a friend - The ability to make me laugh and not to take life too seriously.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner - Love and a great sense of humour.

10) Most embarrassing moment - Big Vinny dropping me on my head in Covent garden causing me to fall unconcious and be taken to Tommys hospital for the night on 30 minutes observations. Do not care what the English say but you can not beat the free services of the NHS who provide a fantastic service for everyone and anyone.

11) Greatest achievement - Making my father and brothers proud of me wearing this uniform.

12) Saddest memory - I try not to look at things as sad memories just paths that god intended all of us to take for the right reasons.

13) Happiest memory - My recent engagement party and future life with Frances.

14) Hero - My father, Saint George and the Royal family.

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ? - Buried at sea to swim with the dolphins and fish.

Good Morning,

Almost afternoon really, after the huge breakfast & lie-in (until 0844)

I plan to transfer my hand-written diary to Blog today & tomorrow.

For anyone interested in seeing what I've been up to, I am going insert the days onto Blog underneath the personal profiles.

I feel a bit mean doing this as I hate to disrupt the profiles, but if I don't do it day by day & settle for a chunk, representing the days since the 4th, I fear it will be a large, boring, unreadable chunk.

What change there, I hear you asking ?

I can't put photos on there just yet as The Tanners have had a clear-up of their desktop, getting rid of the downloading programme. I will get around to photos when I pop over to the Stud & hopefully use Claire's computer.

I intend re-producing what I wrote then, in it's entirety, so some entries are more of a shorthand, diary style. Having re-read my notes last night, some of the entries strike me as verging on the morose or the hysterical. I stand by what I wrote at the time. Usual reasons. I want to recall exactly how I was feeling when I wrote. I could edit now to make myself more interesting (?) or normal sounding but I don't see the point in lying to you or myself.

The 1st day will be the 4th April. Enjoy.

Happy Birthday Gran. 89 or 90, not sure until I speak to her later.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Simon M UK

1) Favourite colour Yellow

2) Favourite movie The Glenn Miller Story

3) Favourite animal Rhinoceros

4) Favourite book The Three Musketeers - children's edition

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) what is Q4A?

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) still what is Q4A?

7) Favourite smell Manchester's Curry Mile

8) Most essential quality in a friend humour

9) Most desirable quality in a partner honesty

10) Most embarrassing moment booking a badminton court for 9 o'clock, then turning up at the wrong 9 o'clock

11) Proudest achievement my children

12) Saddest memory losing my mother

13) Happiest memory my daughter's first kick from within the womb

14) Hero King George VI

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ? Cremated, then my ashes spilled - anywhere, as I was very clumsy

Sat 17th April
Location : Taupo
From memory

Today we packed up early, met up with Adam & his guest Fleming & headed off for fly fishing. The day was perfect, unfortunately too perfect for fishing. Trout require stalking & the azure skies & clear water weren't improving our chances.

On the way to the venue, Adam made the point that people mistakenly think NZ's waters are thick with trout. He stressed it wasn't true & that to catch a trout, particularly a brown, in a river is viewed as a major achievement.

I think Bloo was a little frustrated by the lack of bites but I have always looked upon fishing as a reason to spend many hours quietly in the countryside. I saw my first kingsfisher in England at Gold Valley whilst carp-fishing & I use it more as an opportunity to watch wildlife than I do to catch fish.

Today was easily the most beautiful place I have fished. I asked Bloo if the same was true for him. With the guide, Adam listening, Bloo replied that lovely as it was, it wasn't as pretty as Basingstoke Canal. Adam looked suitably impressed. I hope he hasn't made a note to fish there if he is in England one day.

After changing position 3 times & taking lots of very flattering 'action' shots of Bloo we called it a day. I asked how many pictures he had taken of me to share with you lot ? He had taken this particularly gorgeous one of my in my neoprene waders. Restrain yourselves boys. And this action-packed one.
Oh well, I know I went & that's the main thing.

I have very much enjoyed all the water-based activities we have done over the past 9 days & I can't think of any other place on earth you should come to if you want to fish, kayak, sail, canoe or simply look at the water.

After our lunch of cheese & crackers overlooking the lake we headed for home & The Tanners.

It was probably my favourite drive during the year I have been away.

The usual ingredients by now, cloudless skies, quiet roads.

What made this drive different was the memories which popped, unbidden into my head as I recalled Michelle's conversation with me, the very 1st day I arrived in the Waikato.

She told me that her family were very fond of the Waikato & had felt they 'belonged' in a short time. I remember thinking I felt the same way about Blenheim & wasn't expecting to feel exactly as she does, 8 short months later. NZ is my home now. She pointed out the Hinuera stones & said if I was ever lost, I only had to tell people I lived 'near the stones' to find my way back again.

I looked at the last couple of ks of our journey through Bloo's eyes, trying to imagine how it looked to him. There's no doubt about it, they have chosen an achingly beautiful part of the world to raise their family.

And so, after 1190 ks my first ever road-trip is over. I am back where I started only 15 days ago. I have lots to say about the changes I have experienced whilst away.

I think I may wait for the UK & perspective though.

For now, the sun is shining, Eric & the kids are just home & I have a worrying amount of things to do, prior to leaving in 2 days. Michelle is doing a prison visit & Bloo has gone to do the black water rafting I did at Waitomo Caves. Hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I would miss it.

I rang Singapore Airlines this morning to confirm my flight. They could find no record of my details & when the lady finally came onto the line it was to scare the hell out of me by confirming I was flying from Christchurch.

They had no record of my call at the beginning of the month, changing it to Auckland. It has now been duly changed.

In the next 2 days I have to pack, clean out Bill's car (thanks again) & have lunch with Michelle. I don't have to have lunch but you know what I mean. I am also supposed to ride with Ellie, I think the riding may have to go, we'll see.

I need to say my goodbyes at the Stud as well.

Not relishing that bit, in some ways I hope Watties has already gone.

Enough for now,

Mind racing,

Tick tock, tick tock, I appear to be a passenger on a runaway train again.

Last time I was packing to fly, I was scared of the unknown.

This time I am scared by what I know.


Good Evening,

Location : Cedar Lodge
Time : 1850
Drink : G&T (long)

In the last few days I have camped, walked, kayaked, shot, fished, white-water rafted & made a new friend.
We met up for 24 hours, which ended up being 9 days.
If you want to see what we've been up to, take a squint at

Today, Bloo & I drove from Taupo to The Tanners & as I type Michelle is preparing home-made pizzas.

The drive was highly evocotive. It felt like a homecoming even though I am due to leave in 4 days.

The poa is to stay here, record all of my hand-written Blog (2 days work easily) & visit the Stud to say
my goodbyes to neddies & people alike. I have missed the neddies hugely, staring longingly
at every one I have seen whilst away. I also need to pack.

This is only a brief entry to let people who have been trying to contact me know that I am alive & safe
with absolutely no credit on my mobile. Sorry if I haven't replied to your texts.

Tomorrow will be a big breakfast & clay-shooting in the paddock.

It will be very hard to leave.

Thank you soooo much for your wonderful participation with your profiles, they have made hugely entertaining reading.

I look forward to looking again at my leisure.

Night for now,


ps. First proper bed in 14 days tonight, I will miss the tent, it made me feel like a survival expert.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Michelle Tanner of Cedar Lodge

1) Favourite colour RED (does that make me an aggressive person?!)

2) Favourite movie Call me soppy but 'On Golden Pond' is still my favourite, I haven't seen it for about 20 years now and can't remember the characters names but the stubborn-ness and humour of Henry Fonda's character is wonderful. I was fascinated by Henry and Jane Fonda playing father and daughter. How much did it reflect their real life relationship? The wonderful scenery, and of course the devoted love of Henry and .... oooohhhhh... I can't remember the really famous woman who played his wife.... anyway... it was great. How I romantically picture Eric and I at 75!!!!!! It's just come to me, Catherine Hepburn. I also loved The English Patient - Ralph Fiennes, sssoooo sexy.

3) Favourite animal. Difficult this. I love having cows and pigs.. and of course Ben and Inca but I adore dolphins and whales (doesn't everyone?) and watching big cats, elephants and giraffe in the wild is fascinating (giraffe in the zoo are boring but in their own environment....). But this says favourite animal, singular, so I have to say gorilla. Now I have not seen these wild, and that is one of my 'dreams'. but I have sat for hours and watched them at Howletts and Port Lympe. Absolutely wonderful.

4) Favourite book. I have just lost lots of sleep as I could not put down a gripping crime thriller called Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult (a mother, who is also a prosecutor, takes the law into her own hands and publicly kills the perpetrator of a sexual assault on her 5 year old son. The local priest. A big twist comes later and you wonder all through how she can get away with it. A study of a mothers love that one can really relate to (not a bad thing to read when my own mother-daughter relationship is under such pressure with a seriously hormonal child in the family!!) Never heard of her before but I certainly will be digging out more of her books. But favourite.. really hard this one. I'm not 'well-read' and have read far more text books than literature. I can't answer this one Carol, sorry.

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie). Well it has to be the fire - doesn't it!!

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto). Not the horses or the flowers!!! I know it appears conceited as I am in them but the 2 pics taken with Ben, Inca and me in August. I also love all the scenery, sunrays through the trees and Tauranga (which is actually taken at the Mount!).

"Get orf my laaand !"

7) Favourite smell. Freshly washed hair. I love snuggling into Alice's neck at bedtime when she has just washed (and dried!) her hair. Harriette also smells good but has short hair, Alice's is long! Ben and Inca smell decidedly better after a hairwash too!

8) Most essential quality in a friend. I'm not sure about 'quality' but it's knowing that no matter how erratic the contact and how long the separation, when you see each other again it was like you were last together yesterday. I've lived in 3 countries in my adult life and that's what I have with my dearest friends. I don't know if that is called loyalty or trust, love or what, or maybe it reflects something rather than being a quality as such.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner. Again this is not 'sum-up-able' in one word or quality. All of the clichés (GSOH, loyalty, trust, etc) are important but it's that 'knowing' feeing. I know Eric loves me, I know I can trust him, I know how he will respond to something, I know he will always be there for me, and our children..I 'know' him. And that is the greatest gift, along with children, that one can have in life.

10) Most embarrassing moment. I don't know if this was 'the' most embarrassing but it is recent. I popped into ICU to see the crowd I used to work with. One girl there I had always thought of as an elegant woman older than me (I'm 44). In front of her someone asked me how old she was. Always difficult this. I 'conservatively' estimated 45-48 so as not to embarrass her if she wasn't the 53'ish I thought. It turns out she was 35!!!!! I managed to keep a straight face and say I was joking, and I think I got away with it. But I couldn't get out of there quick enough!! (Carol if ever this is published you are banned from putting this in context!!)

11) Proudest achievement. On Wednesday I helped out on the last day of a music camp that Harriette was on. It was a morning of fun activities and I was helping on the flying fox. We were in the bush (it was so beautiful) and this went over a river, pretty challenging as the kids had to drop of a platform about 30' up. There were 3 ways over the river, a log bridge, the flying fox and a rope bridge. ie a steel cable tied between 2 trees with 2 cables at arm height to hold on to. All 30' in the air. It took me ages, I was absolutely terrified and my legs were killing me afterwards (I am very unfit) but I was sooooo chuffed with myself. That was very recent, but graduating from my first degree was pretty good as well. I was the first person to get a degree from anyone in my whole, extended family and was chuffed for my parents sake. Giving birth and surviving labour has to be the best though. Holding that baby and thinking 'we did this'!!!

12) Saddest memory. The saddest things in our lives must always be loss. Losing my partner of 3 years in a car accident was more than sad, it was devastating, as was the loss of my brother in a drowning accident. But these things gave me strength as I survived them. Love lost is also very sad, and we all have that experience. But, I once worked as a Health Visitor and one of my moms was a young girl who had a more tragic life than any of us could imagine. Confidentiality will not allow me to go into details as her case was so awful any details would immediately point to her for anyone who knows her. However, she was pretty, intelligent and so desperate to better herself, and life for her son. She was however on drugs and born into a family where she was abused and stood no chance. She did well to get to where she was, but sadness is looking at her and seeing so much potential wasted.

13) Happiest memory. Easy this one. Our 2 daughters were born 12 months apart. When Eric bought Harriette into hospital to take me home on the morning of Alice's birth, Harriette could not wait to get unstrapped from her pushchair. Eric lifted her onto the bottom of the bed and she crawled, as fast a her fat little legs would carry her, up to us at the top of the bed and threw her arms round Alice with such force and love that Alice bellowed. It was wonderful!

14) Hero. Superman. Well Christopher Reeve, as Superman, and in real life. But my real hero is Eric. You may cringe at that but he is. And it's official, after he was shot, (yes he really was, bank robbery we got involved in - long story) a friend entered his name to a competition (run by Hero aftershave) asking who is your hero and why. And they won.

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ? No really strong feelings on this. I, sort of, do prefer burial but Eric wants to be cremated and ashes scattered at sea in the Channel. Well he always used to want that. In view of our emigration to NZ I wonder if that's changed, I must ask him. Anyway, I'd sort of like to think we'd be 'laid to rest' together, so I guess it depends on what he wants. If I am buried I'd like to have peace and quiet and nice views!

Friday 16th April
Location : Taupo

From memory

Today we headed of for KRS (Kiwi River Safaris) & the white water rafting we had booked the day before. Another glorious day & after our 1030 pick up we had a surprisingly long journey by minibus, to the river. I think it was the Rangitaiki, but will have to check with Bloo.

After the quick but thorough safety briefing 'Don't try & breathe the green stuff, it's water & won't do you any good' we were on our way.

The very good-looking guide (young John Travolta) oozed confidence & assured us that although the rapids looked scary, only 3% of people ever fell out of the rafts.

Travolta lookee-likee competition entrants line up

It was after the scariest section of the river that I decided to take a dip after the boat gently nudged an innocuous looking rock-face. The stupid thing was, I had let go after hitting the rock, thinking that was it. The way I fell off was similar to when one person is already on a lilo & another, larger person jumps on it. I just got pinged off in a sitting position.

I knew even before surfacing that Bloo would be collapsed with laughter & sure enough, as my head broke the surface he was weeping uncontrollably. Bugger. He did offer me his paddle though & denies strenuously he was trying to push my head under.

What he didn't know is that I had worked out that if you fell in, when the guide pulled you back on by your life-jacket shoulder straps, your face would naturally end up in their groin.

I threw myself overboard with monotonous regularity after that until one of the girls spoiled my fun, by offering to pull me in.

The guide cheered me up substantially by deliberately flipping the raft over some rocks whilst trying to 'put it up on 2 wheels'. We all got a dunking & wouldn't you know it, whilst I was stuck under the raft & unable to exit because someone was blocking the way, just who was that someone. You guessed.

'There you are Briggsy' he said as he lifted the raft up to let me out.

'Where's your paddle' ? Some people are never satisfied, fancy expecting me to think of that too, whilst having a sky-water-sky moment.

The white water rafting lasted for over 2 hours & 14 km. It wasn't the scariest thing I've done in NZ, that's definitely hunting, but it was an unmissable experience. Drifting down a jade glassy river, surrounded by lush forests & accompanied only by bellbirds has made today simply unforgettable.

Making everyone laugh by deliberately throwing myself overboard was just the icing on the cake.

After the rafting, we took a short trip to Huka Falls, there's no point me trying to describe the colour of the water there, you'll just have to wait & see the pictures.

Once again, the Irish pub beckoned for dinner & we are now seen as 'regulars' & were served free food. It's true. We retired to bed very early at 2000 to prepare for an early start as we had to be, up, have the tent packed away & ready to leave at 0750.

At 2330, we were still talking.


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Harriette Tanner of Hobbiton

1) Favourite colour: Black

2) Favourite movie: Lotr RotK

3) Favourite animal: Freckles

4) Favourite book; RotK

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie)I was really torn between staying at Cedar Lodge with the bliss of a tv, sofa & peace & quiet or the company of other England fans to share the victory. (u meenie carol!) humph

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) :

World Champions

7) Favourite smell: Strange crol but pea soup

8) Most essential quality in a friend: Understanding

9) Most desirable quality in a partner: Loyalty

10) Most embarrassing moment: Falling into the centennial pool

11) Proudest achievement: Playing in the jnr concert band on my sax

12) Saddest memory: Leaving good old England

13) Happiest memory: Picking Stin up

14) Hero:Stin

15) Buried or cremated ? Where ? Why ? : I'm to young to think about it

Thursday 15th April 1602
Location : Campsite, Taupo. Notes made in tent

785 km

We left Mt. Maunganui with Bloo keen to move on to Taupo. I confess, I could have spent the day on the beach in the sun but his philosophy is 'get where you want to be next'. He's right, my time here is too precious to waste seated.

When I awoke this morning, Bloo had disappeared on his promised run. I was very worried. Not because I feared he had injured himself, but who was going to take the tent down now ?

Our days have fallen into an easy routine, we put the tent up together upon arrival somewhere & I always seem to miraculously having my morning shower when he takes it down again.

Briggsy helps put the tent up

On the odd occasion, I am presented with tea in bed. We are thinking of going into business together. I'll be his manager, or pimp, as he charmingly put it, & we'll hire him out as a camping companion. Sorted.

The film was excellent last night, Theron is unrecognisable as the serial killer & her every mannerism reminds you of who she is portraying. Oscar material I thought. Very good meal as well, in a typically glam & trendy Mount eating spot.

This morning we went to the information centre to try & book big game fishing (marlin, shark, that kind of thing, not lions & tigers, like a certain someone asked me). We were advised that the water had cooled around the Mt & the game fish had moved off. Paihia (where we had just come from) was deemed the most likely spot.

That made our minds up for us & we set of for Taupo to try our hand at fly-fishing. I have done a fair bit in the UK & promised myself since my arrival, that I would not go home without sampling it in NZ.

The journey to Taupo took us past the 'Welcome to the Waikato' sign. My heart jolted the same way it does when I pass the 'West Yorkshire' one northbound on the A1.

We arrived at 1230 & commenced the by now familiar routine of making our way to the information centre. Once there, we booked whitewater rafting for Friday & fly-fishing as a final treat Saturday morning before heading to Cedar Lodge.

In the afternoon, we strolled around Taupo which although very busy by NZ standards had retained enough charming to make browsing a pleasure. We headed off very early to the local Irish pub, the name of which escapes me (help, Bloo ?) something like 'Fin McAudal's' or 'Patty O'Doors' ?

This, in my opinion, was our best night yet. We had a huge amount to drink (3 pints), a fantastic meal (sausage & mash never goes astray does it ?) & talked til the cows came home. At what point do you run out of things to say to someone when you're travelling I wonder ?

Or as Bloo put it that night ...

'Why do we always end up talking about relationships ?'

We staggered back to the campsite & only had to pee 3 times during the night.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Bloo Fleet via the globe

1) Favourite colour - Bloo

2) Favourite movie - Platoon, Major League, Back to the Futures, 21 Grams, Star Wars, Only fool and horses, radio, Youngblood, Escape to Victory, Shawshank Redemption, Indiana Jones, total Racall, American Pie, White men Can't jump, Last Samurai. The list goes on and on and on all depends what mood I'm in.

3) Favourite animal - Love all animals. Especially Lamb, pork and beef. Have 2 cats. Would love a dog, but don't have the time to look after it properly.

4) Favourite book - Kinda into my autobiography at the moment (MLK's and Malcolm X's were good) or anything by Bill Bryson is worth a laugh. Currently reading Terry Waites autobigraphy.

5) Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - Regrettably I have been unable to read all of Q4A, but any bit that mentions me makes me feel very important. At least I got to talk to you in person.

6) Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) - I think all the photos are great. Real and not set up.

7) Favourite smell - Fresh air, the New Zealand kind, not the crap we get back home.

8) Most essential quality in a friend - Being good company, talking about important issues and knowing when they are needed.

9) Most desirable quality in a partner - Trust

10) Most embarrassing moment - I don't really do embarrasment (or many other emotions), but today I managed to get my car stuck on the 90 mile beach. Does that count?

11) Proudest achievement - Getting away for a year

12) Saddest memory - My cat Domino getting run over. He was only 18 months old. Heartbreaking and very difficult to tell the ex missus, but not exactly something you can hide. She'll probably have noticed in the end.

13) Happiest memory - 1991 FA Cup Semi Final. We beat the scum 3-1 and I was there.

14) Hero - Dad, Glen Hoddle, Ossie Ardiles, Gary Mabbutt, Gary Lineker, Stan, but I don't really idolise any of them.

15) Buried or cremated ? >Where ? Why ? - Cremated, Ashes scattered at the Paxton Road End, White Hart Lane, Why not!

Wednesday 14th April
Location : Mount Maunganui

630 km

Today the B&B roadshow left Hahei bound for Mount Mauganui.

After a fuel stop during which the attendant not only re-fuelled the car for me (standard over here) she also checked the oil & water & offered to do the tyres. Now that's service.

She asked Bloo if he wanted fuel

'No, I'm just waiting for her' he said, indicating me.

'I can't get rid of him' I told the lady, '...he's everywhere I go, just following & we've never met'

I'm sure she knew I was joking, but she did advise me to 'call the cops'.

We have parked at the campsite with probably the most exciting view. We are directly at the base of the Mount, some 10 metres away from the surf. Idyllic.

'Won't it keep us awake at night ?' my intrepid companion worried.

We have separated for the 1st time in many days at the hot pools, needless to say Bloo couldn't possibly just sit in the hot water & read, so he is off in search of the internet whilst I read a book. I spent 2 & 1/2 hours soaking up the salt water. I felt fantastic when I got out.

Odd not to have someone to talk to though.

We have also booked a meal and a movie for later on this evening. I have opted for 'Monster' which I have heard good things about. Can you hear 'good things'about a lesbian serial killer ? You know what I mean.

We went to sleep quite easily, accompanied by the crashing surf.

Another great memory.


Monday, April 12, 2004


Favourite colour - terracotta (just to be a pain)

Favourite movie - The Thomas Crown Affair (original)

Favourite animal - a mitten of course

Favourite book - Life of Pi

Favourite passage from Q4A (if you don't have one, lie) - sorry to be a copycat Q but it simply has to be the funfortunate fire incident

Favourite photo from Q4A (ditto) - the mitten with the extra bits naturally

Favourite smell - fresh cut grass and baking bread

Most essential quality in a friend - sense of humour and loyalty

Most desirable quality in a partner - I have such a long list I'm not sure where to start but would probably settle for loyalty and honesty if you caught me on a good day !

Most embarassing moment - from the hundreds I could pick from it would have to be the lodger/underwear washing incident (enough said already)

Proudest achievement - not sure about this one but one of the most recent would be telling a certain someone 'to grow a spine and join the rest of us who belong to the human race'

Saddest memory - Dad's funeral

Happiest memory - thankfully I also have lots of these to choose from - being with my friend when her daughter Hope was born has to go down as one of the happiest most incredible moments of my life to date

My hero - really tough one as there are few people I admire to the point of them being my hero. Jean-Claude Van Damme - purely on the looks and body front (certainly not for personality!)

Buried or Cremated - Cremated and scattered on Box Hill. I am a great believer that once we die our bodies simply become a suit of old clothes that we no longer need - cremation somehow seems like a tidier neater way of concluding life rather than being eaten by lots of worms and bugs (euck!) Box Hill because its a place that I have found great solace and peace and have carry lots of happy memories from spending many hours dog walking and bike watching.

Happy Easter !

Tuesday 13th April
Location : Luna Café, Hahei

Yesterday evening we watched Gladiator, which is still a great movie but was spoiled on this occasion by ads every 7-10 minutes, which made the film last over 2.5 hours. We worked out that a 3rd of the time we spent watching tv, was watching the ads. Which are always the same ones. Very annoying.

The seats were pile-inducing too & for once, we were as fidgety as each other.

At bedtime it was a couple of degrees above freezing. I chattered gaily about how quickly one warms up, once inside one’s sleeping bag then proceeded to freeze my arse off, dozing fitfully until 0330.

At 0500 I awoke, feeling happier & warmer. Confusingly, only my back was warm, my front still icy. I looked over my left shoulder to see where I was, to be looking at Bloo’s chin in extreeeme close-up.

During the early hours, I had employed my Arctic survival skills & shuffled rearwards & maggot-like towards the nearest heat source, namely Bloo.

I was now faced with the task of trying to move away from him, surreptitiously, without awakening him to what I had done. I set about shuffling, as silently as one is able, encased in nylon, away from Bloo & back towards my side of the tent.

With careful questions I was able to establish that Bloo was completely unaware of what had happened, so obviously I told him anyway & we had a good laugh at my expense.

It turns out Bloo is a very amenable tent buddy, no snoring farting or sleep-walking. His table manners are beyond reproach & he always holds the door open for ladies (& me). Well done Mr & Mrs Reeves.

He is easy-going & good to talk to, knowing when to shut up (when I start to snore). It should also be noted that he knows all the lyrics to Vanilla Ice’s ‘Ice Ice Baby’. He sings these with relish at every given opportunity. Don’t try to stop him, he will only start again at the beginning.

After a lie-in we headed to the Luna Café for eggs Benedict & a long, funny catch up call from Stan.

Breakfast over, Cathedral Cove beckoned. We did the 40 minute walk to the beach, which was well worth it. Jade green water lapped in frills over baby pink sand, which upon closer scrutiny turned out to consist entirely of crushed shells.

After this, we took a drive to Captain Cook’s landing point, which was disappointing, we took photos & I paid homage to one of the world’s great Tykes.

We drove to Hot Water Beach for our appointment with the tide. There were no hot water pools. There were people standing disconsolately, shovels in hand. One man walking past us, appeared to sum up the experience,

‘Another bunch of gullible tourists suckered into paying $4 for a shovel’ he remarked.

We read & slept on the beach then our stomachs demanded we attend the Luna for the 2nd time that day. We have both just had the very good Thai Red beef curry. Bloo is reading & I am writing this entry. All is well.
